Preroll cone filling machine new arrival 65-98-109mm

we tested with tea leaf with very sticky 100% VG, our clients can not send us real samples, for cannabis is illegal in China.

Last I heard it was just fiber and seed products, no cannabinoids. This is why we like to know what the testing material is as it may not be similar enough in density and stickiness as our materials…you could also test in an area where a form of hemp flowers are legal or partner with someone who can test it where it’s legal

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Thanks for your kind suggestion, and actually around 50 clients used our machines already, if you are interested, you may call our client for consult.

The next blooming equipment is pre roll cone filling machine.
Tip:26mm or more options.

Currently We installed the accurate filling system on the machine and the weight can be get on finished cones (0.76-0.85grams range fiing).

All steps very clear on the process.

Sticky Material on filling process we already solved and make it good filling.
We will accept OEM for 65mm and 98mm different cones as well.

welcome dm