Wasn’t chiding OP.
Agreed with previous posters.
Suggested simple test for determining “search vs post”.
Gave link to first thread I found, and query used to find in.
Then added thread I started to explore similar subject.
When I feel the need to call someone lazy, I do.
But in general I consider that one a complement.
Why did I put my notebook in computator? Cause I was lazy.
Why do I strive to improve every process I touch? Because I’m lazy!!
Why do I admonish folks to search?
To reiterate it’s a database?
Why do I cross-link things? Do it’s easier to stumble around once you hit something.
Why give the search queries? To teach them how to fucking fish.
Should such things be taken as a diss? Why the fuck do that. Lot more folks need to solve this than OP. Some might could benefit from that “oh fuck me, it’s a searchable database?!? moment. Why would you have me deprive them ?