Please Help! Glass jar shattered in transit need to sieve remaining distillate

Wasn’t chiding OP.
Agreed with previous posters.

Suggested simple test for determining “search vs post”.

Gave link to first thread I found, and query used to find in.

Then added thread I started to explore similar subject.

When I feel the need to call someone lazy, I do.

But in general I consider that one a complement.

Why did I put my notebook in computator? Cause I was lazy.

Why do I strive to improve every process I touch? Because I’m lazy!!

Why do I admonish folks to search?
To reiterate it’s a database?

Why do I cross-link things? Do it’s easier to stumble around once you hit something.

Why give the search queries? To teach them how to fucking fish.

Should such things be taken as a diss? Why the fuck do that. Lot more folks need to solve this than OP. Some might could benefit from that “oh fuck me, it’s a searchable database?!? moment. Why would you have me deprive them ?