planning american-made SPD turnkey - need guidance/tips

Your list is very similar to my own for a 2L kit. Hopefully, I can start ordering tomorrow once my bank account is set up (finally!).

I would recommend checking out this thread as well. A ton of helpful information has been hashed out here the last 2 1/2 weeks.

One difference between my list and yours is the mantle. I have heard quite a few complaints about that style of mantle, and I’m hoping to have better luck with this one.

Another is the head. I’ll be opting for the silvered V2 head from LS. Also, I’m planning on using these to improve throughput for the system.

As many have mentioned on the forum, an Alcatel 2021i may not be a bad investment either for the vacuum pump. I’m also taking the advice of @Dred_pirate and picking up a sous vide immersible heater along with an eco plus submersible pump for the heated recirculator.

Good luck!