Piecing together a small SPD - what do you think?

Funny, I was just looking for info on a setup from USAlabs for the exact same thing. I just can’t justify 7k for a learning rig from LS and after reading this thread from @Killa12345, I’m thinking I could get away with a 2l China glass kit for now and move to something bigger from LS later after I get some experience and more confidence and capital to work with. Also I’m thinking of going with the same model pump he’s using.

From what I’ve read, it’s a waste of time and generally a bad idea to under-load a BF too much. It doesn’t give you an accurate representation of how exactly your rig will run with a full load and just sounds like a pain in the ass all the way around.

Your second question has been hashed over a ton, though I’m not sure I’ve seen any good concrete answers. Some refuse to use Chinese glass and have pretty convincing anectodal reports as to why not, others have fine experience with Chinese glass. I’m obviously torn on the whole argument myself, having no personal experience.

As for the other questions, I’ll be following this thread for answers. They’re good questions I hadn’t even thought of asking.

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