Password override Z2000 VFD?


Nice little serial brute force… You whip that up? Also your password in the title might help the next guy… :sweat_smile:


It might.

Except I’m reasonably sure that’s not the drive manufacturer’s override password.

55555 is the “user” password, set by the folks that built the controller rather than the VFD OEM. So the brute force script is more likely to be useful than the password itself.

The python script was written by @Lincoln20XX and I’m rather suspicious that the minor errors I ran into getting it up and running were deliberate (teach a man to fish style).

Seems like my next trick is to get the drive(s) to dump everything it knows to a file, so I can clone them.

I’ve got a client with multiple controllers, and ensuring they all have the same settings across the board is currently a royal pain…

Edit: I’ve got a list of 370 registers that the user can change (would be great to know the defaults on those), reading from those registers and writing to a file, or reading from a file and writing to those registers would seem to be a reasonable approach. if I also had the factory default for each of those 370, it would be possible to “write defaults”, then update with a smaller list of “user modified”. smarter drives already do this.


If you can find a serial header on the board you could dump the firmware.

Look into a ftdi usb/serial interface and reverse engineering firmwares.

I’d look to the board for any empty pins the say
5v TX RX Gnd

Solder some in or probe pin connect to it.

If you can dump the firmware you have top level control.

Here is an example of dumping firmware

Hope this helps

Edit I see I’m late to the party.
