Packing tubes

So when packing live or anything with a cls… Can I over pack? Should I flash freeze then step on to crush quick? Or throw chunks in, how do you do it?

If your handling previously frozen material from another grower it helps to pack loosly/ don’t beat it up. Your yields will be small, that because most of the material weight in the column is h20. Be sure to have a valve underneath your column, you need to valve it off if you heat your column during recovery. Otherwise you’ll have a bunch of ice melt and go into your extract. You will want to regenerate your molecular seives often when you are running wet material. If you control the material I would break the buds up /remove branches and leaves. Then freeze and process. This will be better than running fresh frozen whole plants.


I really like the concept of this unit or anything that can cut down on labor and up productivity for small upfront investment lol .

After watching their demo video, only thing that strikes me as counter productive is only using one stroke of the packing rod to fill tube. I’ve never done it that way and don’t feel like thats typical method. not saying its incorrect just curious on other peoples opinions and methods.

Just feel like that could lead to inconsistent results between different clients material. Not to mention kinda seems like staff would still be doing about half the job anyway especially when you factor in additional clamping/unclamping time.

anybody have experience with blowing out 4x60 columns with n2?

Just looking for input from others experience…

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I run one time a week, with a 2x6 m.sieeve… How often should I change the sieeve if running nothing but live

If you are running 1x per week I would regenerate it every 2 uses or so. If you get a green hue in your material you probably need to regenerate. It. It is important that you store it in a way where air cannot get to the filter dryer. An old vaccum chamber would work for storage. Otherwise the atmosphere will “de- activate” your seives with h20.


If you are getting paid per lb and max load is your concern then you will certainly loose yield. Track material weight in and out of your columns, record the weight loss and compare it to your incoming material test results. See how much weight you remove, this will dial in your method of packing. If you need to run 50% density columns you can explain that to your client and adjust your price to match your work.

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Ok I leave it attached to the top of the tank, is that bad? I store unused sieeve in vac seal bags… Sounds like I need to take the sieeve off in btw uses… And maybe vac seal it up in bag?

And really? Only 2 runs and I have to change that stuff?

Is it still good what’s loaded in the sieeve since I didn’t take off tank just shut the valve?

regenerate. not replace. you can drive the water off with heat. ideally under vac.

if you’re only running once a week, I’d suggest you regenerate every time. so you don’t forget. ever.


If you can isolate it with a valve your good. You just regenerate the beads by heating them. Your milage may vary, watch for the water soluble stuff like chlorophyll. If you see that it’s time to dehydrate your mol seive.

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Ok mine does have valve above it… So just take out and go through our drying steps right?

And no need to take off and store,I would do if would last longer, but drying was easy

Yeah, keep it dry/protected. That’s about it.

If you had extra valve would you put one before and after it and take it off and store vacuum sealed in btw runs?

If I had a valve on either side I would shut them both for storage.

Ok I have one on the escaping side, was thinking if I had one before and after I could complete remove it and seal up in vac bag…

You could, But You’d Have No Need To With The 2 valves. Unless you were storing it for a long time. It would be good to add the 2nd valve so that is an option.

Does anyone know where i can find the plastic caps that come with the columns? i am in need and cant seem to find them anywhere.

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glacier tanks has piles of them. not sure they sell them over the web. I often pick up extras when I go visit.


Yes, they’re on their site. thanks again, i have been trying to find them for a long time.

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We have a air operated ram that packs 30% more weight in our columns.

Also my 3D filter plate is working pretty well. Had to change it out for the first time in a month because I noticed delivery lines had became clogged with bentonite that slipped through the cracks. As for the copper wool that I use to clog that crack (drain port) I noticed it has a mild rotten egg smell which I assume is sulfur.


Did you buy it from @scientific710?

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