Oven Tek for stable shatter. Humidity doesn't stand a chance


  1. Air discharge valve & vacuum valve closed. Oven door closed
  2. Preheat oven to 88
    3.Wait one hour
  3. Load preheated trays with BHO
  4. Close oven
  5. Slightly open air discharge valve
  6. Wait 45 minutes.
  7. Close air discharge valve.
  8. Raise temperature by 1F every 15 minutes until BHO vicosity solvent release temperature (ref- 95F)
  9. Turn pump on
  10. Open vacuum valve slowly until the bubbles are about to hit the the tray on top of it
  11. Vacuum Valve closed
  12. Turn pump off
  13. Let bubbles settle down
  14. Repeat steps 8-12 until 28.5 or bubbles wont hit the the top of the tray.
  15. Around 28.5 Drop temperatures by 5 degrees. (Ref-90F)
  16. Let vacuum run 12-26 hours or until minimal/inactive bubble movement in BHO
  17. Vacuum valve closed
  18. Air discharge valve slowly open. Once fully open let bho sit for 5 mintues in oven
  19. Flip slabs.
  20. Air discharge vavle closed
  21. Increase temperature to BHO solvent release (Ref. 95F)
  22. Wait 15 minutes
  23. Pump turned on
  24. Repeat steps 9-12
  25. Decrease temperature by 4 degrees (Ref. 92F)
  26. Vacuum for 6-12 hours or until inactive/minimal bubbles
  27. Repeat steps 15-18
    26 Increase temperature by 1 degree (Ref 93F)
  28. Wait 15 minutes.
  29. Vacuum for 6-12 hour or until inactive /minmal bubbles
  30. Continue fliping slabs through these steps until you pull both sides of the slab at your BHO vicosity solvent release temperature ( Ref. 95F)