Outdoor grows 2020

Did they turn brown? I learned last year that if I want to sell any hemp as smokeable, I have to harvest before the first frost, or else it turns brown and no one wants it.


Actually no, not what I processed for him atleast haha

He may have picked out the bad shit tho

I will keep that in mind!

Only time I have had stuff get a brown tint to it is if I ran it In flower too long.

Its the eradication program that flies over looking for grows. Now most is done from a satellite and parcel numbers but they still fly sometimes.


Fugggggggggg all that

Ya pretty much, back in the day it was what they couldnā€™t see they didnā€™t know so theyā€™d get real low and try and blow the plastic off the greenhouses.


Nightmare shit lol

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When there so low you could get with a sketch artist and draw there face. Then they started with the anything over a 10x10 had to have a building permit on file and then tbey got in that way.


So fucked up. Destroying a whole areas culture and livelihoodsā€¦

How those ā€œofficersā€ sleep at night, I will never understand


Fuck it, Iā€™d just do my limit outdoor in raised beds ftp

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Alot of people ruined alot of good things, all good things come to an end. I do however care when the assholes are dumping diesel and what not that i care about, grow 100 boxes thats cool no reason to trash shit i just makes sure its gonna be a short lived thing.


The property Iā€™m on this year was trashed by people growing on it previously. I have almost gotten it all picked up, now I just need to rent a dump truck/trailer to get all the old debris off site. It took WEEKS getting it all into a pileā€¦
Itā€™s sad what people will do to a beautiful area just to get a crop off.


Iā€™m seriously jealous of that log built setup

Do you have cedar in there?

I get my crop off vinegar strokes in 15 days or less :wink::smirk::drooling_face:


Cool thing about that is those were all wind blown, so I didnā€™t have to take any live trees. Just used something we would have burnedā€¦


Yes it is, had a property where they had buried garbage for who knows how many yrs and if you walked on it your foot would sink. You could tell how long it had been going on from looking at some of the labels and such.


Story time after this hold on :shushing_face::smirk:

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Yes, the whole area next to and below the greenhouse is cedar.





Fighting trees with trees

So once upon a time I wanted to know what I could literally forge for to fight pests with( Iā€™ve never had them but didnā€™t want the chance of it ever came for them to prevail). So I started looking into essential oils as I already had experience fighting molds with them (on guard from doTerra is really the move for the PmBoyz) but if you think about it, these will be based on how you applicate the oil, I suggest doing a soak of cedar lumber them build your sctructred preference for a g house with that oil soaked lumber (hopefully milled to spec) which will double the life of your oil application for the lumber in its own creating a organic barrier if you will. Then secondly build all raised beds with framed cedar lumber (also soaked) this would give you the option to enclose each bed as well with fine mesh that breathes that you can screen frame around the beds. 3rdly you could be foliar spraying these oils as long as you stop at the last 3-4 weeks of flower then do a proper flush. ( keep in mind these oils could also manipulate your flavonoid profile to be more potent & drastically change too.)

Sorta like this first dram up for a independent be

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Well, me and my friend are getting lumber millā€¦

So in the future, anything will be possibleā€¦

Next year we are adding a couple basic hoop houses and plan on doing raised beds with wire bottoms, open to the native soil. I like the idea of using cedar from the property for themā€¦


Build some big soma beds, that would be sweet.