One way to make compliant D8, and Delta9 remediation in general

I discussed this remediation plan with the mfg of our unit and he said “use the same parameters as you do with cbd” “clients have had mixed results” “it will definitely oxidize your d8 to dark red/amber”
So…I may work on a nitrogen injector port to reduce/prevent oxidation. First let’s see if it actually removes the d9 to minimum compliant 0.3%. Mfg also said through analytics they think the d9 is converted to cbt. I’m sure noise will abound.


In our experience the Delta 9 will return to levels around 0.4-1% unless it’s distilled via Wiped film. Short path residency time created 3-4 gnarly isomers for us. Just my $0.02


We’ve seen no correlation in the amount of CBT or CBE generated when compared to the potency of the CBD on input. Found that cooking mother liquor with much lower cbd percentages (40-50%) actually lead to much higher CBE and CBT numbers

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Yes it will be distilled via kd10. Thanks for sharing your observations.


Very great question, I knew I would forget some important points…

I generally saw ~5-15% potency loss of the major cannabinoid (be it D8, CBD, or CBN)
Of course the 5% is starting with more ideal input material, for example, 3% D9 and 95% D8 oil


I believe the oxygen is whats causing the reaction to occur in the first place, so it may be necessary to have it open to air. I would like to see what would happen if someone was to run it under an inert atmosphere, with and without UV light.


As soon as I finish this first run, I’m going to get to work on an injection port for gas.
Stoked to see what happens


Does that mean you will end up with ~85% TAC distillate?

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Only if you don’t process your oil further, I found that a fair amount of the impurities (certainly not all) could be removed by extra careful distillation

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If it’s going to CBT you need an oxygen/hydroxide source…

I’m getting ready to stop the remediation run. Samples were gathered waiting for my hplc guy to show up for work to give me data.
Definitely turned the distillate RED. Hope to pull all the color out via re-distillation. More to come.


How did it go?


I haven’t gad a chance to redistill yet. My analyst will be here shortly to check the %'s before i distill so I’ll post the coa later today.


Here is the result of d8 remediation efforts pre-re-distillation (is that even a word? It is now)
GPLCE040822_001_Non_Contract_HC_Distillate_Bulk_Golden_Piedmont_Labs_04_14_2022.pdf (3.1 MB)


As soon as I get an opening in the disty lab, I’ll distill it, test it etc.

What did the numbers start out as?

I’d love to see a chromatogram of this from before and after


Ill see if i can get those chromatograms and post them.


Still no chromatograph from my analysts, but here is the coa from remediation and redistilling d8D8_Redistilled_042122_Golden_Piedmont_Labs_04_25_2022.pdf (3.1 MB)

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If your lab correctly identified the peaks you have the first sample of d8 without unknowns I have seen


I’m sure there are unknowns in there. When we had @kcalabs test last year we had zero detectable dioxins, cresols, pthalates, etc. Along the way to running this, I’m sure things got a tad screwy. Once I do this again, I’m going to send samples out for deep analysis. All in all it’s just better to get the chemistry down pat and run clean.