October MoM is @pupparoo

What the fuck is your fucking problem you loser?

Threaten a fucking dog? Go drink yourself to death, I’m sick of watching you make a fool of yourself here.

Your pathetic, I can read how much of a piece of scum you’ve become over the last few months.

Get a fucking grip or go fucking die already. I’m pretty sure not a single person would truly care all that much.


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Yes it was a fucking threat, and reading all the garbage spew from you over the last mo the or so has been quite enough for me.

You’re trash bro, you’re a drunk loser who’s fucking poor.

All of you members who fucking cry about other members, fucking block em, you look worse than thumper when these tantrums happen.

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Enough of you too thumper, Jesus.

You’re a mess bro. Quit drinking.


For the record, I wouldn’t hurt an animal . If you honestly think I would for no reason other than it’s his dog, none of you obviously know me then.

Because I have more love and care for animals than I ever will for people

I don’t train I was trained get it right

And you can go fuck yourself thumps. I’ll do you and everyone else a favor, and I’ll ignore you.

But I make a promise now to everybody that reads this if you say something stupid I promise I’m going to respond back with something stupid

Bro, it’s been way worse. I’m over here trying to help these assholes, but I’m being yelled at because everyone thinks I’m being mean, and just trying to make people cry

Which obviously isn’t the case

I clearly said, “if your dog attacked me (which she wouldn’t).” Because I’m an alpha and animals listen to that shit, I don’t even have to tell them. Trust me

Obviously you don’t know much about animals… Dumb fuck…

Now stop taking to me

Just like the children right? Fucking creep

Seriously, stop replying to me or I’m going to block you. One more response pointed at me and we’re done

Because you’re a little bitch and that’s why. The fact that you need a dog for protection tells me enough about that and enough about yourself

So dude… Go away


We know you’ve alluded to wanting to fuck her, and you said it to all us. But yet you still sit there and wonder why we joke around about it
You’re now blocked, and we’re done

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Look at this thread… And @pupparoo somehow is the one not allowed in here til march 2022? Lol!



Well you know me I’m obviously the cause of everybody’s problem since I just like to be honest about things

And I’d give you a like if I could but I’m out for 11 more hours

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I have been finding it odd why @sidco or @Future are never in these kind of threads. This ones a little fresh but there are more out there. I honestly cannot blame them from just steering clear. They probably think its a trap. I think you have to say BUTTHOLE three times to summon @sidco if you dont tag him.


I wish I had some likes. To be honest, I think why I’m never really messed with by them is that they can see and people with intelligence can see that I’m not out here just being a jerk for no reason. I’m literally just being as honest as I can. I’m sorry if I use words that people don’t like, but make no mistake I’m not using that word to make whoever I’m talking about look worse. I’m using that word because that’s the best articulation I can come up with.

And I’m just saying this for the record

If I had ever been told by anybody in power that I really need to watch what I post trust me Sir, I would. Because believe it or not I do actually care