To achieve diamonds with no pressure(like pictures). i leave my pours from collection with a little extra solvent. Pour into jar or pan, then set in oven at 85-100°f dependent on freshness of material. Has took 24-48 hours to get full crash.fresher/better material= better terp seperation.
Really no reason that you would need pressure. That’s for reactions with gases.
J’ai fait des cristaux par erreur, après avoir extrait mes bourgeons, et récolté le mix butane/cannabinoïdes dans un plat en pyrex , je l’ai placé 18h dans un récipient d’eau bouillante à 50 degrés Celsius, je suis aller dormir, et en me réveillant j’ai put observer des micro cristaux , je me suis donc empressé de sortir le microscope : https ://
I made crystals by mistake, after extracting my buds, and harvesting the butane / cannabinoid mix in a pyrex dish, I placed it 6 p.m. in a container of boiling water at 50 degrees Celsius, I went to sleep , and when I woke up I could observe micro crystals, so I hastened to take out the microscope
Very cool photos. Welcome to the forum.