No dry ice

That dude’s definitely a cop, just fyi. :open_mouth:

I was wondering why use a pre tank instead of a coil?

I think its a few different cops with 1 username

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cancel culture, all I did is ask a question, I wasnt trying to incriminate anyone.

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You could always make a new username. I wonder if the community would smell ya


I dont mind assholes outing themselves by cancelling me. These same people turn on others on a dime all the time. alota drama

I edited your punctuation. Thumper style


I dunno what happened to the forum after the trump election thread. I was always well behaved if you look back.

If u can link me with lil durk or chief kief lemme know. Shit this isn’t eco chamber. Sorry…


I think long unpunctuated soliloquys about pretty much nothing nothing in general has been your stock in trade since you have been on the forum. It didn’t happen at first, but came roaring out of you the second you tilt one back. When you first joined you wouldn’t shut up about poker, and untold countless long winded hardly readable paragraphs about (again) nothing in general.
Now that you know how to take pictures you can actually show us some shit. Not a leaf on Rosco the drug dog’s foot. Nobody is cancel culturing you thump, you’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself.


Fucking died laughing at that :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I’m guessing you could make a poor man’s glycol chiller work for this, as long as you’re running straight tane. Other than that I suggest looking into maybe dry ice delivery if you’re running blends. I say a diy glycol chiller cause you could most likely get down to -10 to -30.

But salt and ice gets down to - 21 at the maximum so I say salt and ice ftw for easy poor man’s recovery…


You’re either mentally ill, a cop, several people, or my personal favorite, all of the above.

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I’ll take D: All of the above…
Final Answer

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Lonely old drunk talking to anyone who will listen… he needs to take his ramblings to Facebook where someone he knows might care


Speak of the Devil… It’s 6pm my time which means he’s about 30 minutes late to the party. Hopefully he got back on the beat, or something. The later it gets the more incomprehensible it becomes.

And just to stay on topic, just get dry ice. I was paying $2.25 a pound in the AK at like the only place that you could it under like 250 pounds. Air Gas was going to sell it to me at like $.68 a pound, but 250 pound minimum. I would have dry ice for literal days with the tiny bit of processing I was doing.

This is very interesting for me and I want to utilise this once it makes sense to me

So the second tank can be placed in regular ice water and salt , as I don’t have dry ice atm

And it will act as a cold trap.

I’m new to cold traps will read on this

Interested in how much it increases throughput by

Thank u

Might as well put everything on ice. Sounds super slow


Yes it has been slow
In process of finding cheaper dry ice

Using liquid nitrogen with a solvent and water mixture can give some great temps to work bho with -122 C yust above where butane freezes ( becomes a solid )
If liquid nitrogen is easier to obtain

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