Most Useful tips/tricks/safety/things not to do for noob cls extractors

Thanks will do wasn’t trying to be redundant just looking for input from the community :mechanical_arm::alien::raised_hands:t2::tada:

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All good. As I look through it myself I see some tips we gave back then aren’t as safe/useful now. For example etching your glass. Not good when growing diamonds. Might be time for an updated version


No doubt lots and lots of helpful info :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: Seems like just maybe needs to be revisited updated a lil and maybe organizing so it’s not a ll over lol I notice lots of threads jump all over the topic lol can make a lil confusing for the uneducated :joy::sunglasses::love_you_gesture:

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Don’t take smoke breaks!


:pray::pray::man_facepalming::joy: ouch I like my smoke breaks but I do understand for safety and memory’s sake :man_shrugging::alien::raised_hands:t2::love_you_gesture:


Please tell me you don’t run in a room that has carpet, wall plugs, ect…


No no carpet unfortunately due to circumstances I do have to run inside tho no way around that so yes there are plugs around

Um, @Ufoextractions do not. I repeat, DO NOT ever run you’re extractor inside a closed area, and/or around electricity, a source of ignition or anything that can spark. PLEASE! For the love of everything you know. DONT! Please familiarize yourself with proper operational procedures and NEVER sway from safety protocols, it’s just not worth it!!! Please listen and utilize the site, and it members to help educate yourself.


You state in the original post you don’t run in that room…now you say you have to run inside.

I’m confused lol

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Outside under harbor frieght $70 pop up tent with $1 zip ties and free harbor frieght tarps


He sets it up in his buddies bedroom. Lol. Jk op.


Thanks everyone so far for the contributions!!!:raised_hands:t2: Little clarifications for the masses lol I don’t run in a carpeted bedroom Lmao (such a Terrible idea) I run in my cellar and turn power off to the circuits down there and pull vacs in an other area I live in a multi family unit with no back yard or parking makes it tough to setup a harbor freight pop up tent with zippers lol good idea tho or get any privacy!!! To complicate it even tho I live in a green state my neighbors are not green friendly and even tho I grow my own cannabis inside with landlords knowledge I’m a single father that had to fight for sole custody of his kid for 10 years trying to stay under the radar as much as possible!!! Keep the suggestions coming always willing to listen n and improve :mechanical_arm::alien::love_you_gesture:

:joy::joy::man_shrugging: gotta get her done bills to pay mouths to feed :mechanical_arm::alien:

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Ventilation if possible atex
Suck out from floor and ceiling and have a switched placed to the blower that it can be set to full power in panic mode and 30% when working
Work in cotton clothes if possible in anti static clothing
Ground your equipment well at least by electric socket and confirm that the electric of where ever you are working is grounded ( won t be the first time the sockets are grounded butt leading to nowhere )
Have some cryo gloves dry ice can give nasty burns

Please don’t do this in a multi family unit. You are putting people at risk who are not consenting to the dangers of your hobby. The odds are there are kids in those other units…

Not trying to be an asshole. But push pause.

Wait until you get into your own house. And even then, at your scale I still recommend working outside or in a shed/lean to


This! So much this!

Burning down 3 other people’s homes because you don’t have appropriate ventilation, electrical controls, or available space is just not the right mindset.

Find a buddy - go offsite - use a tent if you must.

Even the tanks you just have hanging out in this room are not designed to be STORED in a house. They are designed to be stored in grounded flammable cabinets in places that have appropriate firewalls in case of accidents.

Super dangerous - don’t get yourself killed. Cellars are notorious for having limited to no ventilation. Even if you have a window and you are trying to “vent” through that - its not enough air changes per hour to even be close to being considered safe. Even if you do things cold or under vacuum… like seriously one blown gasket and you and your loved ones will be homeless and maybe even dead.

Not worth it bro - not worth it. <3


Step 1: dont die
Step 2: move mad weight
Step 3: profit

Biggest thing I can recommend you do is operate safely, outside, leave the lighters and vapes and dab rigs inside.


what i take 100 at least not inside of course and I can see the rig through the big bay door open

Def don’t smoke near .or inside…im completely outside in the open air way away from it…and it’s rack mounted so want fall


it’s not the electrical outlet you’ve got to worry about…its what is plugged in to said outlet.


Consider extracting with ethanol instead. Search for bucket tek for a good ethanol extraction method that is inherently much safer.

If you must blast, use quality butane, and distill it before using it. Canned butane can have some fun stuff in it like mystery oil and various blends of n-butane, iso-butane, and propane. When you buy in bulk, you get to chose your mix of solvents or single solvent.

Learn with butane before moving on to mixes, iso or propane. The temperatures and pressures involved are less extreme, and better suited for beginners.

Most importantly, to beat the dead horse, please stop doing this inside, especially where innocent, unsuspecting possible victims are.