yea usually you do ph swings then add a nonpolar for alkaloids but what about all the polar compounds? I haven’t heard of anyone doing polar extracts. closest is rso. might be a great medicine.
did i get your root extraction tek right? i remember reading it a while back
I love those barrel sifters! I am now looking around for some sort of vibratory mount, possibly ultrasound. I am also considering putting a steel shot into the screens, maybe 1/4 steel barrings… they can’t be too heavy but also not too light. I will share what I find.
am i also considering if converting a walk in cooler into a freezer and running the equipment in the cold would be ideal to minimizes clogging.
I am not interested in CO2 if I can find a cheaper way! Chilling in a ULT freezer might do the trick, they are pretty cheep! if you’re far enough north you can chill stuff on your doorstep! -80 seems excessively low, but what do I know, I will have to play around with it to see what works for me
Thinking on this reminds of a speaker sifter I saw a video of once. It had levels of screens stacked on top of a speaker, and they used music to shake the buds. It was a pretty easy idea to replicate if you have some bitching speaker laying around the house!
I was thinking of either an audio file with sine wave ascending in pitch on repeat or maybe shepherds tones using piezo disks mounted directly on the screens. If I wasn’t lazy about it I would tune the frequency till I get resonance with the screens to boost the amplitude. although blasting subwoofers might outperform the piezos… I am doubtful though