Looking to buy 200lb extractor closed loop.

okay thank you for the head up. 2000pound of trim can produce 100liters of crude and 50liters distillate??? awesome.

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Ive had the same setup and was doing 125# per day by my self, and only using 4 cmepol. Running 4x48 columns with the vapor push i was doing a column every 20-25 mins, with about a 2-3% gas loss for the day. All for crude, hot and fast and only used ice wayer for my heat exchangers

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You dont need rhat big off a horizontal collection pot, having multiple “honey pots” works better. You can also have one dedicated for distilling tour gas while your running. Everything going to a central manifold and the necking down your hoses to help condense and auto refrigerate tour vapor.

We would use a chain hoist to lift up the tank after muffin and zero solvent left. We could then dump out 100 kilos of hot oil no problem.

@gray yes I will text sorry I’ve been out of civilization for a week