Looking for wholesale Crude

We can help you. Voodooextractions.com. cheaper than what asking. 3378495999 chad 77.3 % .2 thc

we can help at voodooextractions
3378495999 Chad

Are you still in need of inexpensive seed to sale verified crude?

yes 75% cbd .2 thc can supply 300 week 900 each liter

High thc yes, still looking. Please pm.

Tried to call, says caller cannot accept calls at this time?

Only looking for high thc

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I still have crude
Phone should be fine 3378495999

No you don’t, scammer. Joined to forum ten minutes before making this post? What a joke!

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we could possiblly help email me directly @ Sales@GreenAcresOrganicPharms.com