Looking for method to analyze cannabinoids without hplc

Hello, i way curious if anyone had some tips for a convenient way of identifying separate cannabinoids suspended in a solvent. So if i were to mix thc extract with cbd extract i could have at least a rough reference to quantify the ratio between the two.


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THin Layer Chromatography can give a very very crude and qualitative product distribution

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Ok i think that will be the way to go then. I looked into a little and found this website that sold a discontinued ‘cannabinoid testing kit’ im guessing the only unique thing that could have provided was an info packet or something. But i think that should work out I’ll just standard the two and go by that for the mixture.

Have you found the In House analytics thread?

It lists most of the available options…

From my TLC plates, CBD will have a retention factor of 0.42 in a solution of 5% ethyl acetate and 95% hexanes.


@Truckn At SRI Instruments we use an internal standard method of 1 US gallon of acetone with one gram of methyl stearate. It’s palm oil essentially, it’s in most cosmetics in the US.