Looking for ethanol crystallization consultation

I plan on doing it inline sooner then later but in the mean time I am looking for someone to consult on scrubbing bho and then crystallizing from ethanol in a dish. Crystal size is not important just trying to make a light colored sugar as that’s what people currently desire in Maine

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it’s much easier to just not involve ethanol in a crystallization process.
do a dwell dewax and make a filter stack as per the crc color remediation thread. send a pyrex into mildly warm vac oven for forced nucleation through solvent removal.

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I agree with @downtheterphole crystallizing in Ethanol is much harder than in hydrocarbons. Filter your BHO tincture then use a mason jar, diamond miner, or pyrex to crystallize. So much easier this way.

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That’s my plan for the future but I promised a client that already got some not so great color on their sugar that I would refine it for them. There’s a company here that strictly does it that way so I know it’s possible although it’s not optimal. I won’t be doing it in the future but I’d atleast like to have the knowledge/parameters

just rinse with cold hydrocarbons

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I 'm an Ethanol extractor (due to regulation restrictions) and make sauce and diamonds from Ethanol extracts. It is not always a win sometimes the THCA just fails to crystalize. Top pic = sugar, bottom pic = sauce made from ethanol extract.

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whats is the process for the sauce? i run a delta sepatrations cup 30 and im interested in your techniques!

Just played around with things from there!

So what if I did chlorophyll remediation with d.e. And a.c. Rotovapped that down vac oven it and got some weird ass homeycomb shit. Could I just run what i made thru cold butane and make, in theory cleaner diamonds. D

ue to the fact I pressure filtered my stuff with activated charcoal (4 minute wash) thru diatomaceous earth on top of a 5 micron gasket.

I used positive pressure using my diaphragm pump and my closed loop extractor. Took 3 hours, I bet if I had controlled compressor I could have filtered it quicker.

But yeah if I took my result and made diamonds (via butane) from it would you think it would be cleaner cause what i would be emulsifying with butane would be filtered and pre washed.

That brings up the other question of what if someone emulsified a de-gummed , dewaxed, shatter.

I know about the crc, but think about it.

im not sure how to dm on here this is my first time posting, but im an extractor at a process facility and we have been experimenting with making dabs with ethanol. we’re using a CAPNA extractor and i was curious on the after roto process for making sugar/ sugar sauce. if theres any tips or SOPS you can share that would be tremendous, thanks in advance!

@Codemanmakeshash ever have any luck? I have been thinking this is possibly a better route to carts and have been looking for some consolation myself. Tried reaching out to @Jay-TL with no luck so far.

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You can crystallize with ethanol but it’s either going to be a REALLY slow process or your going to do a very fast evaporative process which forms many agglomerations of small crystals.

It sounds like from your post you’ll want to do the fast evaporation method since size was not a concern. Consider that by the nature of solvents and concentrations of solutes that if you saturate a solvent with THCA and evaporate it off the THCA will have no choice but to crystallize. Of course the presence of impurities will affect this process, which if your BHO extract is of a lower quality will impact this, and may result in you more or less making ethanol shatter. I would reccomend doing a cryo wash of frozen buds to give yourself a better chance at isolation.

I believe @Future has a post somewhere about growing THCA from BHO in pentane that may interest you, that is if pentane is an option

if you’re already achieving eho crystalline my suggestions would be centrifuge or redissolving in pentane if your buyer is only looking for thca.