Looking for a chiller to work for your machine? #Chiller,available in stock in US

Air cooled laboratory chille low tem circulateing pump machine
closed circulating pipeline design,highly preventing circulating water pollution,temp digital display,adjustable unit is 0.1°C,Brand compressor,and great cooling technology.

It works even better with centrifuges!

The new 200/120 is for sale in Los Angeles, temperature controlled at RT ~ -120°C, if you need ultra low temperature, take it!
Email:sara@korayinstrument.com Whatsapp:86 17839983630

-40°C,100/40 and 200/40,300/40
-80°C,40/80 and 50/80,300/80
Available in stock, fast delivery, excellent price!:fire::partying_face::love_you_gesture:
Email me,sara@korayinstrument.com
Whatapp,86 17839983630

Chiller 40/80 for sale in Los Angeles.:fire::partying_face::clap:

For sale in Los Angeles, chiller temperature -30°C, -40°C, -60°C, -80°C, -120°C, self-pickup, cash or credit card payment, fast delivery, warranty provided!
Email me,sara@korayinstrument.com
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Provide the best chiller!:partying_face::raising_hand_woman::clap:

Whatapp,86 17839983630

Attached is the test picture of the chiller 30080. The new chiller has arrived in the United States and supports ordering. You can choose 220V or 480V three-phase, 60Hz, fast delivery, no tariffs, and support self-pickup or truck-to-door. For more information, please contact me ,Thanks!
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Chillers available in stock​:+1::partying_face:
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Chiller 50/30, available in stock,:fire::sunglasses::clap:

Chillers 30/30, 50/30, 40/80, 50/80, 300/80 for sale in Los Angeles, available in stock!:smile::clap::heartbeat:
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Chiller-80 ° C, 50-100L Sold in Los Angeles
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Chiller Lab Using -80°C cooling Circulation Pump 40/80
Low temperature Range: -80℃-RT
Refrigerating capacity:
Rated power: 5250W
Coolant : R404A、F23
Max. input current: 24A
Power supply: 220V/60Hz
Circulating pump flow rate: 35L
Max working pressure: 3.0MPa
Max allowable pressure of heat exchanger: 3.0MPa

A new batch of chillers are ready to be shipped!Some are sold in Los Angeles and some are sent to the address designated by the customer. If you need them to work, please contact me. Thank you!:partying_face::sunglasses::+1::clap::fire:
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

Sara in the reflection :fire::fire:

The 30/30 is sold, the 40/80 is sold, and you can choose a 30/30 and an explosion-proof 40/80.
There are 50/30, 200/40, 300/40, 300/80 to choose from!:smile::bell::fire:

Who needs a chiller?The last one is 50/30, 50/80 and 300/80, 30/30.

Pm sara@korayinstrument.com
Whatsapp,86 17839983630

New Chiller 50/80 Sold in Los Angeles, 220V, 3-Phase, 60 Hz, 6P Imported Cascade Compressor,fast delivery,can pick up!:fire::clap::gift::raised_hands:
Contact sara@korayinstrument.com
Whatsapp,86 17839983630


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