Let's see your set up!

This dood so excited about all the time he has read thousands of hours on a website :joy:

The teenage girl emojis really show how badass you are


Its a really cool website though


That’s a jangle


Your extractor system looks great and probably operates awesomely.

My setup is not in a very safe environment either, dont take offense from the criticism even if its strongly put, as it’s warranted. Accidents happen all the time, we should be operating in a proper c1d1 environment. All the issues people have pointed out are very very valid.

Also, as no one mentioned, that exhaust fan would be good enough for only the smallest leak. Dont let it give you any sense of security.


XD I thought this was show and tell. Not show and wail.

Online hazing comes with the subject matter lol.

I’m thankfully surprised we haven’t had more massive explosions / problem threads / RIP posts. You can only repeat yourself so many times before giving up on offering advice to those that don’t want it.

Shits gnarly always seeing the different setups.

It’s hash and the drug world people are going to always die or get hurt sto tryin to offend me it’s not even working I own everything I stand on including my land and my shop so if I fill like this is safe I’m gonna do my thing and be safe I’ve ran this loop more times then anyone can ever claim they have done been hard at it solo with no Chad involved y’all need to go get some pussy

You keep acting like shit can go wrong and you wont be alive to get pussy.

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Some of those dead people were friends of mine.

They probably though their shit was “safe enough” too…

Noobs come here (to this thread) to see how others are performing this trick so they might learn.

Just because you’ve played cowboy for years and lived to tell, doesn’t make your setup safe. You don’t care. That’s cool. So long as you don’t take anyone with you. That includes “by convincing them that your setup is as safe as you could make it” It’s not. Period.

Not letting the noobs know the various sources of ignition you chose to use are unsafe is unconscionable. Imo.

Sure, so long as you’re below LEL (or above UEL), the chances of ignition are slim. The both I work in now is the only one I’ve seen that doesn’t get above LEL during pour out.

For folks with more concern for their personal safety, I suggest reading through: Dealing with static electricity... MAJOR NO NO


If you can’t remember to put a fuckin` period in your sentences I don’t think you’re smart enough to not blow up.


You’re arguably one of the dumbest mother fuckers on here i wouldn’t be talking about grammatical/punctual errors.

Go play with your trash cans and huff some more plant wax.

But I think we all know, but should be stated openly here for other reading that during the pour its absolutely above LEL around the pan and near the pour spout where ignition from static discharge is most likely, we just have such a large booth that it takes more gas to get the room at LEL.


K dirtfish


Updated to reflect stupid picture


Slightly disappointed you haven’t added any new memes to my collection recently…

But since you’re updating the old ones… add this to it!

Fits perfectly into the “yeah… i don’t know either” section!

Self-important much? :rofl: :joy:

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Just wrapped up this pimp little install for IC Collective in Chicago… The fire is rolling!

The system pretty much completely runs itself. Gets hot, gets cold, doesn’t need any consumables other than nuts, clamps, gaskets, and hydrocarbons - with a minimal loss.

Fastest recovery rates in the industry. Fastest bio swap times in the industry. Unlimited solvent. No nitrogen or co2. No mole. sieve. Anti-microbrial filtration built in every system.

No upgrades required! Live, dry, crude, isolate, boutique, we got you covered!

Temperature swings of +50c to below -50c within minutes in both directions (hot to cold / cold to hot).

Patented technologies.


Can you expand on this statement ?

How do you deal with the H20 that the bio is introducing to the solvent ?


Industrial gas dryer… old tech to be honest.

Yet another thing we brought to the game that will definitely catch some attention along with the 0.22um anti-microbrial filter which also pulls water from the extract.

Give us a holler at Sales@illuminatedextractors.com for more information or quotes. Lots of gear available on our website already.


I did a lot of research into those Swedish lock valves. What the f*** y** mYou can’t even f understand my f* speech pattern. What the f*** y** understand all this sYou don’t know f*** Swedish like fell this. What the fuck motherfucker fucking fucking a I bitch suck my dick a I

1 Like

That was not an AI generated post other than the fact that AI p***** me off. Cause I can’t understand swedge lock