Let's see your set up!

Iv seen machines for sale thT make nitrogen? Dont know much about them but they are out there. See a lot in beer industry?

You can make nitrogen gas fairly easily using a standard compressor and a bunch of drying filters combined with a selectively passive membrane. You can do it for not a lot of money too if you find the stuff cheap. Turning that gas into a liquid however, is a little bit more expensive, and as far as I can tell require a sterling heat pump or some other device capable of crazy high heat differential.


I’ve got complete on demand nitrogen systems specifically tailored for the cannabis industry… They’re not cheap. But for a licensed spot… the ROI is quick. Especially when one factors in all the bs associated to rolling heavy ass cylinders around a lab… by under/unqualified people. A strain related owrkers comp injury once a year pays for the genny and then some… A cylinder falling and damaging something important pays for it and then some…

check them out… http://abhoutit.com/n2/


Man that n2 calculator is awesome!!

N2 generator here we come!!


Senor Pickle. I lost your cell. text me tomorrow if you still have mine. wanna get you set up with that other thing we were chatting about.

the ROI calculator… I’ve been trying to build them out for all our product lines… helping people quantify the expense seems to go a long way.

In the old days… I was jumping through so many fucking hoops to get nitro… sometimes driving from sac to the praxair in reno… like 3 hours… over the whole sierra mountain range… each way. so we could spread out our consumption since we were such sketch balls. Then going back into cali through the fucking ag checkpoints(which… tbh… very rarely seem to even inspect any vehicles… But the one time I had to open my enclosed trailer for them with idk… 18-20 T tank nitro botttles laid down into two rows of 5 then 4 on top and diagonally cross strapped… the dude working was like. "sooo. we’re only looking for agricultural commodities to identify invasive species and yada yada… but I’m pretty f’ing sure this is not a normal nor legal way to be transporting any kind of gas. "


Lmao. Trapping brings about the most unsettling anxiety.

This all day.


Hail to the fucking king, baby. Read em and weep. Best lab on the site.


My homie showed me a bride o using a cryo pump to get liquid nitrogen, there’s a lot of them on YouTube, but it is dirt cheap…I haven’t tried cooling with it yet, but there are tables of chilling baths using dry ice or l2n mixed with solvents to achieve certain temps…


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Dry ice and iso or acetone is plenty cold enough for my needs. I could think of a few uses for liquid nitrogen, some of them purely for fun, but not enough to justify the expenses

Thee original precision


I am the Alpha and the Omega. Even though I smell like last week’s dinner sat in the sun.

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You can buy used nitrogen generators for a very good price.


There’s even new ones that are not a bad price.



This is a client I set up in Michigan who was wanting to automate their Distillate production!
Stick built C1D2 space with a MACH Technologies EES-X-900 Fully Automated Cry-Ethanol Extraction and Post Processing Solution. Distillation is in another area.

It’s all recipe driven from the PLC and incorporates ethanol chilling, centrifuge extraction, particle filtration/remediation, falling film solvent recovery, stainless decarb reactor :slight_smile: :fire:

I’ll post our new Hydrocarbon system after we finish installing it at a different client in Arizona!


Modified lil terp’ for some small runs and some r&d. No more pulling other people’s levers.


I waited a long time before this was possible, but they got me exactly what I asked for and I could not be happier!


Are systems that hold pressure likely to fail a vacuum test? It’s my understanding that a pressure test is far superior, while I could assemble most a of a small system without clamps, and still have it pass a vacuum test. Heck, vacuum is one of my tricks for getting a 10" jacketed base onto a system… pulls -28inhg without a clamp easily.

Is that not your experience?

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You can pass a vac check with no clamps on. I always pressure check over vac check as the final be all.


Therein lies my confusion about the vacuum test happening after the pressure test.

-28 inhg is like 15 PSI, right? but in the opposite side of the pressure we need to hold

100 PSI pushing out > 15PSI keeping it closed.


I pressure test whenever i add new parts, pieces etc. Thats it, then the standard vac check everyday. More worried about leaks with pressure.


You’re not wrong, AND, the last three systems I’ve used all sucked atmosphere into the solvent tanks when they got cold (at night).

(Solved that by swapping in tuf-steel gaskets…)

I’m with @Concentrated_humbold

Although now the system does it itself, and raises its hand when it encounters excess solvent in the material column or otherwise sees vacuum take longer than it should (Eg operator neglected to turn vacuum pump on, or failed to seat gasket correctly).