which is more than I could get out of the Society for Marine Conservation…
I guess it is possible that micro plastics, and even some of the bigger bits the whales are ingesting pass harmlessly through their digestive systems. I doubt it, but have no data one way or the other.
negatively impacting reproductive success would certainly not count as a pro…on humans yes, but that’s another project.
Finding the degradation pathways is the first step. Characterizing them is the next. Moving them is only encouraged once the pathway is understood, and the end points are defined.
At this point in the game I just want to get the idea out there. Thinking that a web comic might be the right approach.
I see Verity the Vigilante Virologist… pissed off with the way things are going down, she takes matters into the lab…in this episode she’s saving the whales with bacteriophage that confer the appropriate plastic degradation pathways to the extant intestinal microflora. in another she might take on that human reproductive success issue mentioned above.
Or an infectious cure for stupidity
yes, that’s right boys and girls, Verity is sure she can fix stupid.
Or at least CRISPR a couple or five genes to increase intelligence.
The science doesn’t have to be perfect. Just close enough to inspire.
Verne and Asimov upped our game in such a fashion…