Large scale grinding.

We modified a futurola shedder, cut a slot in the bottom welded a 1/4in screen in and cut open to top with a hopper that has a lid, works amazing.
I’ll take a picture tomorrow.


By no means should you use this. I got one for milling isolate and they are terrible. Only meant for dry non sticky things and even then the electric version is 1000 times easier.

Does it help the material is frozen and extremely brittle? Which electric one? Only ones they have shown me are like $1,000 plus.

That would be cool I look forwRd to that!

I found this the other day…


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We invested in one of these Hobart Tilt Grinder/Mixers and haven’t thought twice about an alternative. Throw in 5lb lots and run for a few minutes! Easy to empty and clean.


Just like what I did but my grinding chamber is larger :wink:

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The idea is to chop/slice your material with fast moving blades that make minimal contact with the plant material. A food processor is an example of what kind of blade orientation would work really well.

The reason it works better than something that grinds the material because the working surface of the blades dont gum up nearly as fast because it’s not smashing and smearing your trichomes, its just knocking them off the material.

You will be losing yield/reduce the quality of your material if you use something like that to grind your material.


Are you referring to the rectangle blades?

Im just talking about the kind of blade setups that only allow the material to be fed into a small space where the blades sit. Not really rectangle blades in particular but that’s what it looks like the crusher that OP posted uses.

I don’t know about frozen but believe me you will not be able to get the throughput they quote. That is for dry barley. Oily stuff will gunk it up rapidly. Even electric version is iffy for this application honestly. Mounting it was also a bad experience

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To be clear this is material that has already been processed via solvent and is now being ground as much as possible for a secondary extraction for Distillate. Quality of end ground product is of low significance just need it ground so it can soak for several minutes and strip whats left away.

Thanks for all the help so far guys got some good ideas to work on!

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A Worx electric leafblower/mulcher will get the job done on dry trim but makes a bit of a mess

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have you looked at Biomass Grinding at various scales?

apparently im an idiot and didnt find that in search. thanks! looks like that thread has the info im looking for.

I sure know how to waste a thread.

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apparently im an idiot and didnt find that in search. thanks! looks like that thread has the info im looking for.

I sure know how to waste a thread.

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I’ve seen small to medium processors try to get by with smaller light duty grinders and some do an okay job but most seem to struggle just enough that they don’t do anything different. We are technical representatives based in the Western US for a variety of equipment manufacturers, including grinding and size reduction equipment for cannabis. Our solution is an industrial grade grinder from a long time industry leader that developed a new solution from the ground up to specifically meet the needs of high volume cannabis processors. Buds to powder outputs range from 275lbs/day to 1100lbs/day and 2200lbs/day models. It also comes with a pretty serious price tag of between $40K-$100K for just the grinder and $120K to $190K for the full system which includes operator platform, material surge hoppers and vacuum conveyor transfers for dust free handling.
It is a GMP design, pharma grade (FDA proof), high throughput, easy to operate, easy to clean, easy to maintain, adjustable and consistent particle sizes -and DUST FREE.

Another manufacturer of industrial grinders is Fritsch Mills (competitor of ours) who does a very good job with cannabis and have some good smaller output grinders.

We may not be in your geographic area, but you can send me an email and I get you in touch with the manufacturer.


Post some pics eh?


@MagisterChemist I know this is an old post, but did you guys ever find a good grinder/mill that works with isolate?

I think we switched to just using a food processor.