Kingofthekush420s KCA olivetol/p cresol/phthalate results! Clean bitches!

What happened with with gummys?

Everyone who voted who wanted some got them, there’s nothing wrong with that

Everyone’s dropping these d8 sops and it turns out I’ve had one of the best ones from the beginning


What do you think could have happened that his results are so far off?

Think it could be because he was using a library and not actual standards to compare against?

I think kca nailed it

Libraries are powerful tools in the hands of an experienced chemist.
Bottom line, you can’t boldly claim you have verified a compound in a sample without confirming it with a standard.




Too many ppl using libraries on MS or hplc to get verified results, this is one of the reasons I only use kca now

I had these same samples tested by a member here who said they have olivetol in them, they only used hplc pda though so I’m like hmmmmm :thinking:


It’s the equivalent of drinking whole milk on a hot day behind the garage while smoking a Marlboro Red


This is dey way.


Perfect anology of 3chi carts


Can’t beleive people got behind that guy and supported him talking to law enforcement

Especially someone who so vocally hates cops

Wild man


LMAO the vindication is delicious. Everyone jumped on the balls of a self proclaimed narc, purely out of their bias against D8. How does the crow taste, boys?

Good shit @Kingofthekush420 :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:





Olivetol is definitely not the first thing people should be freaking out over in converted cannabinoids. It shouldn’t be in a converted product for multiple reasons but it’s far from the top of the list of dangerous residuals. Significant amounts would probably be irritating but I’m yet to see any reports of it outside of where you see accepted residual solvents occur.

It shows up in CRC’d concentrates too which makes it even more confusing that everyone keeps picking it as the scary compound in D8. My theory is everyone keeps mentioning olivetol because it’s the only one with an easy name to remember.

Going off what iontrap posted, there were a ton of other benzenediol and unusual benzene byproducts that collectively would be a problem. A trace amount of olivetol is probably not worth freaking out over but the 50 other synthetic byproducts that were “like olivetol” would be collectively dangerous to consume. So my point is more that we can’t just highlight on olivetol alone, more that with olivetol comes a ton of other junk as a result of a sloppy reaction without any cleanup. These other chemicals are just obscure benzene derivatives that show up in petroleum products and many are either known carcinogens or pretty much guaranteed to break down to known carcinogens at high temps. This is also why I’m so vocal against D8 products marketed for smoking because although we don’t know how safe any of this stuff really is, we can say for certain that these chemical byproducts are definitely going to be even more dangerous in combustion.

Anyway, back to the subject. This COA looks awesome. I really enjoy seeing the bar raised. Maybe this is the industry regulating itself and weeding out the garage D8 by simply offering cleaner, better products. I think we will get to a point where clean D8 is finally abundantly available so anyone still buying 60% D8 is just being downright negligent.


Give em a reason to hate, fuck yeah bro! Excellent work!


Read that again & tell me that’s a mom worth move… buying the vote… when you said if you win you’d drop the sop, IMO that’s not a motive to nom someone. That’s them using the community as a ploy. Yes your results are clean & good tac, but if you really need to have then vote for you THEN drop it, that’s not moms are voted in on.


Surely before saying this is MOM worthy, it would be worth seeing if the results of the open source SOPs recently posted also come clean on these tests…

And if you’re of the opinion that the results of iontrap were all faked, then nothing was actually done here, besides someone finally checking with KCA.

If anything i would nominate @kcalabs !


100% agreed.

I’m actually a little confused why everyone says this proves people were wrong to be concerned about olivetol. Either the results posted earlier were real, or they were fake.

If they were real, then congrats that you avoided those pitfalls – but I don’t think anyone ever said it couldn’t be done.

If they were fake, then most likely any well prepared d8 would have passed @kcalabs test.

As i said, the best way to tell if they were real or fake is to have KCA test some actual brand which had iontrap results posted.


Supposedly we were supposed to receive a box of samples @iontrap already tested, so that we can confirm.


It’s 420 yay :partying_face:



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