Jacketed vs non-jacketed tank in freezer?

Ok… freezer isn’t main heath remover, the coil with dry ice slurry is. Freezer only prechill the solvent then it’s injected thrue a coil and recovered with the same coil… And only if there isn’t enough of dry ice for all recovery will the freezer “help” to finish it.
I don’t even want to say that i have my old nonjacketed tank in a freezer with a “hole” in the lid for almost a year now… But in outdoor shed without one whole wall, quorter mile from any house. The way I see it, is: if I keep the solvent in liquid form, then even if the valve or any connection is faulty nothing is going to leak.
I only use freezer as heath remover when I’m distiling solvent over night.
My question was, if there is any benefit, when buying a new tank for it to be jacketed…???

As long as it’s unplugged.


you’re probably correct, the explosion and ensuing fire are really the main health removers…


Again wouldn’t the dual coil jockey box idea work way safer than this? You’re better off using dry ice until you get a sufficient chiller, no?

So what pump can handel -50°C glycol mix or maybe ethanol? Also I live in central Europe…
If I will pump glycol from the freezer to jacketed tank, would be good to also use coil inside the tank? Or pump just in the coil and vacuume the jacket?
I can’t buy a chiller, they are crazy expensive here and I don’t want to buy something from China… Nobody will service, repair it.

I’ve been looking into one of these for a bit for etoh



Start here: Suggestions for diy glycol chiller fluid?

The pump linked above is NOT where I’d start. Works great for pumping extraction solvent. Too expensive for circulating chiller fluid…a pond pump will suffice.

See: I'm confused over pumping glycol 😅

Edit: and glycol is gonna get slushy around -40C


still cheaper than a chiller is where my mind was going. :sweat_smile:

Even at -50°F?

At -50C the glycol is the issue, not the pump

When did you change units?!?


60% glycol to 40% water mix, should get to -63°F…
Sorry for the change, that was mistake… will use fahrenheit. My freezer can go as low -50°F.

Please use C.
Unless you’re aiming at -40 :shushing_face:

Yeah, that’s what the charts say…experience says you’ll run into problems.


-48°C is the max that will freezer do…

Spend $50 on a pond pump and give it a go

Folks have had success with this critter: https://www.bghydro.com/eco-633-water-pump-594gph.html

(Dozens of reports of success lying around here…)

Ok, I will try that pump… Also what about the coil in the tank? Is it unnecesary when i will prechill the jacketed tank over night and extract only once the next day?

I’d pull a vac on the jacket for insulation, and chill using the coil.

Unless you’ve got a double jacketed tank…

It’s not like you’re in a hurry.

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No, not at all :wink:
I’m in the procces of choosing a tank… So order double jacketed or just single jacketed with a 1/2" coil in the lid? maybe with a coil there is a small chance of leaks and contamination of the butane… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So the the double jacketed would be safer…??

Nope. Not safer.


And you can cool the jacket.

So more (chilled) surface => cools faster.

Also more expensive…

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Not really…

However, if you don’t USE the coil, and leave it open to atmosphere, it can/will condense water, which when frozen can rupture the coil.

Reported here somewhere

Edit: where is the “raise your hand if you’ve done something stupid the rest of us could learn from” thread again?


Safest just use double jacketed tank… But man it is getting expensive. Can’t I just use some kind of insulating sleeve on the single jacketed tank? Is the vaccumed jacket the best insulation?
I read it somewhere about the open coil…