It Finally Happened

Was this “heart attack” maybe just a panic attack?

And how many people has d8 killed? Anyone? I think a lot of drug “overdoses” are just panic attacks and the people at the hospital just go through the motions to rack up a bill.


the kid had a heart attack according to op. panic attacks sux but they are nothing and the dr wouldnt notice anything after.

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At least 1 according to the posion control center, a pediatric death

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If indeed it was a heart attack, they would have been able to tell with a simple blood enzyme analysis. I’m sure it was performed in the ER. That would be subpoena #1.


Can simple panic create that enzyme? Because if it can, then the problem is the panic and not the d8.

No. The enzyme is only created due to physical damage of the heart tissue.,will%20be%20in%20the%20blood.


Usually, I’m sure. I always look for the exception, though.


but the concentration is still in proportion to the damage inflicted on the tissue, so low troponin means not much damage


panic attacks are mental and do increase heart rate but i dont think they are deadly for healthy people. I had one probably years ago. my eyes started wigging out but i kinda started it on purpose and then it wouldnt stop and i freaked and got fast heart rate sweats and just laid down to calm the fuck down. I am also a pussy now and sometimes when i bleed out I can get lightheaded and Its not blood loss , its me overreacting. I bleed sometimes to bicycles and motorcycles. I am good at crashing but still bleed sometimes. On topic- get another few lawyers opinion and maybe use norml recources because they have an interest in pot not being accused of killing kids. Im not sure if d8 is pot. I wouldnt smoke it.

They go through the motions… of diagnosing it as a panic attack. A panic attack and a heart attack are two very different things!

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Sure. But can’t a panic attack cause a heart attack?

Well if someone is victim of such severe panic attacks then yes…stress is a killer. My buddy was a highly paid programmer and due to stress at work had collapsed multiple times and was hospitalized only to have blood work and other tests come back normal. Since he began using cannabis these episodes have completely ceased. Anecdotal cannabis recommendation but the tests were completely normal multiple times.

Stress fucks the brain up for sure

my brother tries thinking alot at work and he says he is having a vertigo episode like 2x per month? He just waatches numbers constantly to see if his algorythm is fucking up or he loses billions of someones money. he is super anti weed but it would be funny if the cure was right in front of his face.

Almost certainly not, unless you’re full of clogged arteries and halfway to a heart attack already. I am guessing this 17 year old was not!


looks like a possibility…

That person did not have a “heart attack” at all but simply an anomaly on the perfusion scan which did no damage.


I wonder what else he did w it like 30 cough triplecl cS mixed w it…

The new lean


Edibles and smoking/dab tolerance have nearly zero to do with each other. 11-hydroxy isn’t the same high as thc. I know people who smoke like Willie Nelson and can’t handle 5mg. I also know someone who doesn’t smoke, at all, and a 10mg edible is perfect for them to sleep through the night.


How do they know the kid wasn’t taking other edibles?

Was he vaccinated with J&J?

I wouldn’t throw in the towel just yet… there’s a lot they would have to prove.


Kids are usually weaker than adults. So it makes sense his body reacted this way especially if he’s not athletic or big.