Is the weird thca chalk being caused by dirty solvent or nitrogen?

The big square crystals from the other thread reminded me of quartz crystals and silica crystals. Is it possible there was some small amount of silica contamination seeding formation, thereby influencing the resultant shape? This could also explain fast nucleation before supersaturation.


It’s definitely something else with a low BP causing things to drop out so strange. I’m going to give reX a try and see how the structures hold up


I agree 100% with this

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NO this happens in non crc runs as well. Also getting silica in your runs is kinda amateur hour. If you can’t use the stuff properly dont use it. You would think we woulda had this problem years and years ago when we first tried bentonite and silica but were only using paper filters. I know for a fact my first crc runs when I was trying it out before there was even a thread on it here had passed by the papers and the diamonds still formed no problems. They took 2-3 months to make and never turned to stone.

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