Is it too much terps

Personally, I wouldn’t vape it.


Not too much literature on vaping terpenes yet.

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I tried to explain it to you in the other thread. :man_facepalming:


I’d bet you couldn’t stand to vape it if you tried, usually over 10% wrecks people throats


N=E + T

You have to weigh the terps. Terp dealers just measure in volume cause they wanna get the most money for their product.


I weigh the disty, Terps are in ml.

Maybe this is something we can ask the terpene companies to label for us to make it easier. @FloraplexTerpenes


What tempurature do you measure your terps at? Whats your altitude? Volume is dynamic, so how do you insure a uniform product


Elevation is about 600’
I use a syringe and draw it up
Ambient temps (75*f)

which equation is this ?

Say your net is 500mg, and your extract is 450mg (90%)

Time to pull the spoons: first equation is finding extract weight:

E=N*% wanted


-450 -450

So, you will need 50mg of terps to have a repeatable ratio

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That’s more of a shoe horn method

Its really basic maths. I am really surprised people don’t just reflexively know this


Most people can not understand math now a days. School is NOT what it used to be like it was when I was in school (grad in 93). students are not being taught properly, or the student is just too lazy to give a crap anymore.


Hey BG305! :slight_smile:

We have been in discussion about this for some time. We agree selling by weight makes more sense than by volume when considering terps are mixed by weight (by most people). When we first started our company the industry standard was to sell by volume, so we went with that to avoid confusing customers.

We do get quite a few calls per week asking how much X.X mL weighs, so customers can calculate how much volume of product they need to buy. We explain the specific gravity for all products is listed in their respective COAs, and how to find mass from volume using specific gravity. We are also considering updating our mixing calculator to offer volume calculations, but doing so in a non-confusing way is non-trivial.

Long story short, we may switch from selling by volume to selling by mass. But that’s a big change so we want to make sure we consider all pluses and minuses to making the change. We are going to start adding the weight of the terps to each bottle label and product webpage, along with the volume.

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You can probably save your batch by adding more distillate. If you already added 1 ml of terps (assuming 0.855 g/mL), that’s 0.855 grams terps. And like @Demontrich was kind enough to suggest, keep it around 10% w/w. So, to achieve 10% w/w terp mixture you need to add about 5.75 more grams of distillate. Because if you have 7.75 grams of distillate and 0.86 grams of terps, you have a 10% terp w/w mixture: 0.86/(7.75+0.86)*100 = 9.99%


Maybe just add it at the bottom of your label when you print them next to the ml. :man_shrugging:

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We are. Should be starting soon :slight_smile:


Nice :muscle::muscle::muscle:


This is why we love you floraplex.