Interesting read that would scare the shit out of me if I was in hemp

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A tremendous boon to everyone setting up shop in Colombia



For cbd

Weeds a big business too. Feds still fucked with it heavily during Obama

The feds won’t be going after thc in legal states. Congress has prohibited that.

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It’s not the same. The people who had and have money in THC don’t want it to take off too hard. It was hard to get into the legal THC game and the last one in should shut the door (not going to pretend this doesn’t represent at least my financial outlook, though ethically I think access needs to be widened substantially). There are tend of thousands of farmers though that were sold hemp as a solution to their problems by their states. Look at KY hemp: when tobacco dried up, KDAR told the farmers to go to dairy (fucking great). When everyone realized dairy farming is doomed, the solution was hemp. They might just kick the can down the road to the next bullshit but frankly, especially with ole Mitch the Bitch that doesn’t seem like the way it’s going to go.

After all, government exists in the US to protect land and property rights, and you know who owns the most land (other than uncle Sam)


Direct decarb of biomass → solvent extraction in hexanrr-> dewax membrane → solvent recovery to 2:1 → direct crystallization

There you go. Gets you isolate with no noncompliant product ever at any intermediate step.


what’s in that there waste barrel boy?


Schedule one is in the waste barrel sir


THC below 0.3% by mass in the mother liquot. You’ll have to throw away a little bit of the hexane to keep it dilute enough i suppose. Then right to hazardous waste incineration.

What about the mother liquor?

Like if you made maple syrup but the waste product was meth or heroin someone is going to prison.

Whomever comes out with those 0.00% thc seeds first is gonna make bank

Wonder if someone Huge already has them and has prompted their crony political buds to tap the feds to do this.


Monsanto, or Acorn maybe if they’re still operating. That wouldn’t surprise me.


Sounds good but all that still ain’t gonna stop the alphabet boys from shooting your dog

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You need to maintain the mother liquor under 0.3% somehow

Truly T free genetics/biomass seems to be the most reliable workaround

I think the best workaround is move some place with less restrictive policies and ship t-free back.


*takes notes about how to not get fucked by DEA: don’t have a dog to shoot

You’re not wrong, just gonna quote some Dave Chapelle here:

“Rush em! He can’t cum on all of us!”


Columbia has such hot women too.

I’m game.


Or direct extraction into final product. Like extract hemp with coconut oil and then turn that directly into your skin cream or whatever


Rip cbd bho and any connoseur cbd extracts

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