I need help figuring out what this white cloudiness is and how to remove it.


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Only audio is still coming thru

Try vimeo to upload the videos. I use it for mine.


So annoying.

Inert gases agitating the mixture.

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Is that supposed to be a video? I’m only getting audio.

I was wrong, btw. The freezing point of ethanol is -114c, not -115c.


Neat! What equipment do you use? Are all of the gasses you are using anhydrous as well? What kind of yeilds do you see at that temperature? How long are your soaks? I’ve never conceived of going that cold! Dish!

Well I’m a crazy alchemist :sunglasses:

lol, I wish that video went through. I make all my equipment. I mean I literally pulled zero fats and waxes. I just make sure to take the our the biomass before -110 to -120

Thanks a lot man, I tried your method and it worked like a charm, do you happen to know what is the highest temperature you can get the oil at the magnetic stirrers heated plate without making the oil go any darker ?