I need help and was told to post here

How do your symptoms respond to CBD flower?


Okayish to be honest. I usually just make qwiso or edibles.

I believe the point is that CBD flower is legal to ship…

whereas extracts made from it are less so, and everything else that might help is a definite “nope!”


I got pulled over and detained in Iowa once. This was even before I made cannabis extracts. I was just a software guy moving back East. State cop saw a walkie talkie clipped to my visor. My brother was driving moving truck. Literally detained me on the side of the road for 2 hours in the cop car over it.

I called my lawyer and his words “Don’t fuck around with him, cops in Iowa will lock you up and let the courts figure it out. “

I take I-40 from now on.


Did 43 months for 4 plants there. Glad I moved but definitely miss home a bit

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You did time for a few pot plants? That’s crazy. This isn’t the 80s anymore.

No, in Iowa it’s the 80s still… that state is a good 20+ years behind the rest of the country when it comes to their stance and education on cannabis or any drugs for that fact. Hell I was cellies with a guy that was in college, never been in trouble. Wasn’t the wild type. And he got caught with 2 sheets of acid and they gave him 2 quarter 70s…ran consecutive. So he has to do 35 fucking years before he’s even eligible for parole. Shit like that makes me sick. I haven’t been home in almost a decade it scares me so much.


He doing time for possession? That is sick. I would say cya you all and disappear. 2 quarters for acid. Stupid. These people need to be released.

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I don’t blame you for not going back. That’s living on eggshells with those strict laws.

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Literally I was a nervous wreck for years dude. Couldn’t even relax with an eighth of weed in my pocket. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I moved. I don’t trip on anything out here. And dealing with the cops doesn’t even faze me. Im not worried about being bullied or harassed or wondering if I’m going back to jail or nothin. There are a ridiculous amount of really really good people locked away for alot of time for complete bullshit in Iowa. It’s incredibly sad and infuriating tbh. The judges there need psych evaluations. The cops need checked. The system is dirty. Corrupt. And flat out broken. There’s guys doing life getting caught with what would be my personal headstash of goodies out here. And once you get sentenced to prison. That’s how every sentencing will go for you. If I got caught with a bowl of herb it’s back to the joint for felony possession. Here’s how petty they are. I decided to discharge my sentence. I wanted to leave a free man. No parole. No halfway house. Just a free man. I was 14months from discharge when they were gonna run me up. I said no thanks. My counselor then said there’s no reason for me to finish my treatment class since you really only do that shit to get paroled early. So he takes me out. I discharged November 2011. Fast forward to 2022. Them fucking cock suckers put a warrant out for my arrest for failing to complete court ordered treatment. A fucking decade later they wanna drag me back into the system and fuck with me some more! So now I can’t even go home. Can’t see my family or friends. And because of a decision one of their people made. I miss my people. Like alot. Fuck Iowa. Fuck the system. And fuck all that bullshit.

I’m heated now, lol.


Pfffff dude I feel ya


That insane. I never new that state was so backwards. Sorry that you have to live away from home.