How to break down distillate easier and minimize waste?

I process around 5 L+ of distillate each week for making cartridges. I get them in L jars and a big time killer for me has been cleaning out each jar well so I don’t get insane amounts of residue waste. Most of the L is easy to get out once I get it to temp. But that last 40-50g can take upwards of 45 minutes+ per jar to get it all scraped out using a heat gun and gravity and I usually can’t even quite get it all . I used to use water baths but took way too long when processing large amounts like this so I now use the microwave method doing bursts of 20 seconds To get it up to temp. Any tips or tricks anybody has? Also does anybody homogenize a full L at a time in those Pyrex jars with any success? I run batches of 600-800g at a time and even that can be tricky to get it at a temp where it’s runny enough to homogenize and I have the X1740. I transfer from my L jars to beakers then homogenize with terps and then load my machine. Most of my process is automated now just looking for any advice how to speed up or simply the heating up/ breaking down/ and homogenizing of the distillate. Thanks

1.9 cuft convection oven fits 9L jars

Put a shallow tray with a lip in the oven, invert jars and leave them for the day. It will drip into tray which can then be harvested for other uses.

Sacrifice residual material weighing less than 5g with a towel to dispose of/recycle glass.


an oven & gravity wouldn’t take less time, but it would take less of YOUR time.

homogenizing in the original jar would eliminate the losses to your beaker.


The microwave works wonders for heating jars up


You such a smart guy with smart ideas


there IS a learning curve with the microwave. short bursts.


It sounds like he is using media jars which are harder to crack. Mason jars definitely only a minute at a time


IG links just post as a pic now but here’s another link to the video of you wanna see it in action


Is that silicone?


Yea it is

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Shameful display

OP: invert your jar over your cart farmer’s reservoir, and set up a heat gun on a lab stand blowing over the jar. By the time you are done filling, you will have melted out all the residue, and have filled it


If you are also worried about the 40-50g left in a jar, add some ethanol, cover the jar and let it all dissolve into the ethanol, put it back through your recovery process and while you might not use that 40-50g right there, it isn’t being “wasted”.


Fill them with ethanol and let them sit at room temp for 24-48 hrs. Pool the ethanol containing the residual cannabinoids. Recover the cannabinoids from the ethanol.

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OP is “breaking down” distillate. what makes you think they currently have any equipment besides the hot plate, homogenizer and cart filler?

@joshc710 you may be making carts, but lets be honest here, that part is almost irrelevant.

your question is about getting more hash out of jars (reducing transfer loss), it has very little to do with what happens next (exact same problem for edibles or spraying distillate onto flower) except that you’ve chosen to double down on those transfer losses by using two containers.

  • reduce your losses by reducing the number of containers
  • heat is your friend, but only until you’ve got terps in there.
  • you don’t have to sit there holding the heat gun…
  • those that actually make distillate generally also have the gear to recover solvent, and solvent washing the jars is the way to keep cannabinoid losses to the absolute minimum

breaking disty in the trap
god this shit is sticky crap

I pour it out, but want it all
shit is sticking to the wall

I’ve tried to use a heating gun
it takes too long and ain’t no fun

oh my lord, what should I do?
it’s sticking to my beaker too.

you could use an oven bro
or ethanol just like a pro

clamp your heat gun to a stand
it takes less work than in your hand

reduce the vessels that you use
wash the fuckers out with booze.


Is that Robert Frost?


Sticky disty, what to do
Cost a buck or two
Fifty dollar loss, mad boss


do not use heatgon on the booze
or else your lab will go kableww!


We make a lot of edibles so I just weigh the jars and clean em out with heat and coconut oil, then adjust the oil to my usual ratio, etc etc


So satisfying… thank you.