How to achieve consistency like Jungle sticks?

You have a correct understanding of boiling point as it refers to pressure however decarboxylation is not a reaction based on boiling. Imagine boiling pasta in water under vacuum. The water would boil but because no heat is added the noodles wouldn’t cook. Decarb is temperature related and is unaffected by pressure.


<3 Thank you for breaking down this very important thing. This whole time I thought it was boil temp for everything! But it being just the terps and decarb doesn’t matter makes so much more sense. <3 <3 <3


I don’t think he’s trying to relate pressure/vacuum to decarb rates but rather trying to raise the boiling point of terpenes in order to keep them in solution.
Here’s my post in Tricks of the Trade thread…


so if you make the thc a chalk liquid with like 200 f and you do it long enough it will stay liquid because its decarbed? :slight_smile:

Yes by decarbing the THCa into THC you wpuld essentially have the equivalent of distillate, might not be super low viscosity but wont be crystalline. After adding back terps it should be proper viscosity for carts.


Lowering pressure (vacuum) absolutely lowers the boiling points of everything involved.

It does not change the energy (kinetic == heat) required to discombobulate (decarboxylate) acidic cannabinoids.

Edit: …late to the party again…


Mechanically seperate off the terps on the rosin press. Decarb the cannabinoid fraction. Reintroduce the terp fraction you seperated earlier. Boom extremely tasty rosin carts

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My guy, you are desperately misunderstanding them.

I recommend you read the posts here more clearly. It’s incredibly likely they centrifuge to separate the terpenes and cannabinoids, and decarb them separately, again, with an inert gas. (read: NITROGEN TO PREVENT OXIDATION)

It’s possible they decarb in a pressurized vessel to avoid evaporation and loss of terpenes, but I’d venture that’d make for some damaged and less flavorful terpene compounds.

I don’t know how to recombine that it stays liquid and nice for carts… because when i melt my thca chalk its a „clear“ diamond / hard thca pieces.

Decarboxylation. Read up on it. THCA is a crystal, while THC is a viscous oil.


There you go


Ignorance. Pure ignorance


It’s just jar tech with the htfse poured out

Yall are so far off it hurts…

Wish I could spill the beans for this tek, because its way easier than half of you are making it out to be.

Thanks for your invaluable contribution, oh great and wizened one.


It would be vacuum if that was actually what someone was doing

No it would not. You haven’t read much on decarb. Vacuum isnt related im anyway.

I used the term pressure, Because I was responding to a member who used that term. Just trying to help.

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Yes, yes it would, but I will correct my post with “Light vacuum”. For more clarity, this is assuming the terpenes have been separated.

Vacuum allows you to pull the co2 out of your vessel during your reaction.

Edit: controlling my horribly dry sarcasm

I’m with the other folks on here. Vacuum WILL NOT change decarb rates. Pulling off CO2 DOES NOT speed the reaction or increase conversion rates. If you are referring to LeChatelier’s Principle, it does not apply here as CO2 naturally removes itself and residual dissolved gas DOES NOT interfere with the progress of the reaction.


Completely agree, not going for speed here.

To digress, I am not proposing this as the answer to OP. Just explaining that I would also not “pressurize” the vessel during reaction to retain terpenes, rather separate them and control my cannabinoid reaction with light vacuum for increased ability to control/maintain potency. The reaction time is not dependent on the vac obviously.

The last statement I can absolutely prove/backup.


So your talking bout terp retention as opposed to decarb function. That was not made clear above.



You are correct, but added my decarb method to control desired cannabinoid potency of crude extract being decarb’d.

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