How much does cold cost? dry ice vs liquid nitrogen

That’s a steal

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The green tomato in Battle Creek has it for .27 a lb.


what were you doing over here? Damn I would have loved a meet up!

Get a scale a bunker can roll on. It will pay for itself


Those are absolute junk. It’s more of a dry snow maker than dry ice maker.


Depends where the dry ice is needed
For i use it for spd coldtrap with a similar device the trick is full pressure blasting of liquid co2 not the vapor


The math I did for a project up in Toronto says that LN2 was 4x the price per BTU. That was with local prices in Canada.

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Here in California many large extractors are figuring out how to use liquid nitrogen (LIN) in bulk. It is colder and safer than the alternatives you all have mentioned. The problem is procurement, dealing with Airgas and Praxair is very complex. If you have any specific questions lingering about how to deal with industrial liquid and gas suppliers hit me up.

After a certain amount of usage a chiller will always be cheaper.

Depending on your volume of extraction you may never hit that amount to justify a chiller.