Hot water circulators to use with jacketed shatter platter?

Hey everyone, I recently bought a jacketed shatter platter/collection pot that has the female inputs on the sides to pipe hot water through. I’ve never used one before and am slightly confused on what to use. Originally I was thinking of using this – – but when I watch the videos, it seems to system is meant to plug in and essentially sit on top of a hot water heater. Would I just have it sitting outside a hot water bath, or would it sit inside of it, in the water? Does anyone have any recommendations for a cheaper or otherwise better system to use? I appreciate any help

Sous Vide, home depot bucket and a magnetic drive fishtank pump because they have a mnpt output so you can use stainless hoses.


having seen how it is supposed to be used…why would you imagine putting it in water would be a good idea? Yes, you also need a water heater of some flavor

At your scale sous vide as @GroovyOctopusLabs suggests is probably your best bet.

1K word substitute for how to plumb with tankless water heater here: In hot water... - #7 by Photon_noir

edit: the ones without the timer are cheaper. I like the three speed version, but always seem to turn them all the way up, so I’m not sure why :wink:

note: they will not suction prime, and don’t like being run dry.


Centralize your hot fluid source and send some hoses. Lots of people use sous vides—if you have the space and the setup, buy a hot water heater that is in an area outside your controlled space (C1D1 preferable). If you have enough electricity you can get a 20kW+ heater and feed your butane system with hot water with ease.

However, it’s good to know the quantity of hydrocarbon you’re working with and the pump as well—the kW you provide transform into volumetric flow of gas (think cfm). If you provide more heat than your pump can handle then you’re leading to backpressure building in the collection vessel. If you’re not providing enough heat then your pump is underperforming.

Rant over?


I think there’s a spreadsheet floating around on how many KW you need per # of tane


I was recently looking at a warming sock for a propane tank that claims 90f. Basically a big beer koozie with a heat pad that can keep my collection warm. No more water would be nice. …thoughts?


LOL. Ya fuckin right.
No. No sous vide is capable of keeping up.
We went from 1 to 3, then to bucket heaters, to a tankless water heater. Tankless water heater is the only thing that worked.


I used to use a 4000w 220v heating coil wired into an explosion proof thermostat. The coil sat in a 20(ish) gallon bath of antifreeze, used a water pump from Grainger and it would suck from the bath, and push into copper hardlines on the wall over to my desired location, add on/off valves, and used Goodyear 3/4" rubber hose to run from the hardlines over to the Honeypot or whatever I needed.

I used antifreeze because my chiller also ran antifreeze, so I could swap from heater to chiller without mixing 2 fluids.


Depends on the power output, not the F° it claims.

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Yea I figured I might need to get a temp regulator for it.

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