HomeTesting for Δ9 Δ8 % levels

High performance TLC is what Cannatest (and Alpha-cat) are using/selling.

the use of an automatic spotter and reader in Dr Fischedick’s method validation speak to the biggest sources of error.

the operator!
& “densitometry” (comparing this spot to that spot with/without computer assistance).

would I run TLC for third party analysis, NO.

would I suggest it as a method for getting close at home without spending a lot of money? absofuckinglutely.


I’ll just say you can do column chromatography remediation using TLC plates only as your analytics.
Is it efficient? No.
are your fractions cut as clean? No.
Can you do it at home for less than 1k? Yes.

It’s far more of an art than running a GC but a lot of the times when you don’t have the money for special toys you have the time to master the alternative.


yep! see:

it takes an operator who gives a fuck to get reliable results out of a GC or HPLC too…at least that has been my experience.


10000% you can have the most accurate machine made and it will still produce inconsistent results every time if the operator doesnt care.