So I’m a bit confused. So CO2 is fluid depending on pressure and temp in either a super or a sub critical state. So when you say your work is exclusively with “liquid” CO2 I’m assuming you mean subcritical fluid based on the way you worded this.
Curious what parameters you run on the material column.
Thanks again!
It’s a common misconception, I am of the mindset that there isn’t much use for Supercritical Co2 in the extraction of cannabinoids.
Does anyone call liquid propane extractions subcritcal?
No, because supercritical propane isn’t useful in the extraction of cannabinoids so it’s just call propane extraction. A pressurized liquid is a liquid all the same.
High pressure equipment is needed (60 bar) and you also need a injection system but the advantages are worth the cost.
Any Co2 system can work with a small amount of injection and some modifications. The limitations are solely based on the separators, with a high pressure still you can 10x the output of a Co2 system.