"Hold My Beer Ethanol Injector". any thoughts or suggestions?

For sure. My comments above address that, and explain why I believe my unit is far better. Very sorry I meant to tag @OvertheEdge earlier in my comment above. I keep hitting reply on the thread not comment. :man_facepalming:

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Whats an MRX? I’m familiar with IES but I don’t believe they do a cold ethyl extractions separate from their CO2 runs (maybe I’m mistaken). Thats what this unit does.

No mixing of CO2 and ethyl happening with my unit. That way I can keep my cannabinoid extractions at low temp and avoid pulling over all the BS that has to going filtered out later anyway.

From my understanding no CO2 company will release any unit like this. Heres why…

The concept is too simple and too cheap for those hustlers. Sure they’ll take that 200k for that CO2 machine, but imagine them trying to go back to you to sell an upgrade that turns over your cannabinoid runs over in 15 minutes. Not to mention you don’t have to winterize, decarb your plant material, or clean out crusty separators ever again… They’d look foolish if they pulled some shit like that… They know that. Its too cheap, too effective, and too fast. They’d prefer to bleed you slow… sorry that was a rant. My frustration gets real on this topic. :sweat_smile:

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@Hashoholic heres the skivvy on the apeks injector :point_up:don’t get me wrong…It will totally work if your goal is slow 2 hour runs for hot crust ethanol crude. This unit only services those who want a fast, high quality, high output, high yielding product. 15 minutes in and out. Throw in roto, then done. Here’s some crude done this way at -20 C. Could get colder if you needed


what quantity of biomass in that time period? what type of post winterization yields are you seeing?

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Ill post a photo of the trim tomorrow. It’s C+ to B grade I would say personally.

Yeilds are typical of what I see out of ethanol extractions in most senerios. Considering the quality I usually pull about 15-20% crude weight.

So I basically 2-3× my output and cut my machine hours to down to 1/3 of my previous usages. Basically I was turning over 5lbs w/ 21 hours of runtime. Now I can turn over 10-15lbs in 8 hours.

I only have small columns (two 5L) so this one only runs about 5lbs a run. However it’s simple ethanol extraction, so the concept and design will easily attach to the vast majority of the existing CO2 extractors.

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Also I forgot to mention actual machine run time went down from 21 hours in a day to less than 4. Im able to do 2 or 3 runs a shift. Basically the machine is only using CO2 for terpene and cleaning runs. Other than that the ethyl injector is doing the work.

Can you get the chilling capacity of the Ethanol tank any lower than -20? from my experience in Ethanol extractions over -65 you end up seeing a ton of lipids while -70 and below is a relative safe zone.

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Fully understand you there. C02 can be tedious and terps are really its only saving point. Im interested in progressing your idea that why Im questioning.

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Absolutely! Just need to get the right tank, chiller, lines ect. All of that stuff is pretty is easy and straightforward.

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That looks like lava. Like… You should call that lava dabs.

Have you seen Ethanol Crude before? This looks fairly clean IMO

just my 2cents here:
Ethanol extraction centrifuges are a dime a dozen, selling pennies on the dollar (new and used) right now.
If I were in your situation (stuck with a co2 extractor, cant sell it, need to make use of it) I would deterp in the co2 extractor, accumulate enuff deterp;d bio to load a fuge once or twice a shift. or use a small fuge and maybe an additional employee to run a smaller fuge for each batch coming outa the co2 unit.


That would totally work and isn’t a bad idea at all. I like that line of thought a lot actually.

I have no experience with the larger biomass fuges. Also confused about why are there so many of those types of used fuges on the market in the first place? I’d assume eventually some of those moving parts would start wearing down and therefore the units would need to be maintained pretty carefully.

'because they’re too big for most cannabis ops, and too small for viable hemp ops, if there even are such ops with the price of CBD these days.

yeah, and presumably you’ve seen how well wooks treat their gear…maintenance is absolutely a critical part of running a decent sized centrifuge. if you ignore it when it rattles, squeaks, or moans in a new way, chances are it will fail on you unexpectedly. If you address new noises, and inspect/tighten fasteners/belts/etc on a regular basis you should be in decent shape. eventually they’ll all leak…the key is to catch the leak before it takes the lube from your bearings and they lock up on you one day…or throws enough solvent on the floor to be a fire hazard.


Ahhhh I knew it! Thank you very much for clarifying. So to go back @CollectiveObjective 's idea it does sound like my little booze injector does have several of advantages compare to a fuge (I’ll list the below). The fuge obviously wins in the throughput category, but from what it sounds like that throughput isn’t needed in most cases. I’m hopeful for the “Hold My Beer Ethyl Injector” may be helpful for some people in particular situations.

Less of footprint
Less Electricity
Less to Maintain/No fast moving parts.

Thanks again for all of the genuine and honest input guys! It is greatly appreciated.

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I’d just terp strip and unpack. Re-run it all in a cold ethanol centrifuge


Not a bad option if you have the space to spare for the extra equipment and don’t mind keeping up with a bit more maintenance.

Also a FFE would probably be a good idea depending on how much weight you’re pushing. Basically just more equipment, space, energy consumption, ect. If you have all that room, extra capital, special permitting for high volume ethanol extractions, then sure I wouldn’t blame you for taking that route.

IMO CO2 extracts of any sort are catered to a sorta niche market. If there is still appetite for the Co2 products after I put out live resin pens ect, cool. If not… well I wouldn’t be surprised either. Better quality and separation can be achieved with hydrocarbons no doubt.


The last thing they were good for was stripping terps.
That’s about to change.

So are you taking your etho sub or super critical? I’m only asking because the efficiencies increase by 175% at sub, and 300% at super. How are you not pulling chlorophyll and all of that other unwanted shit? -20C is not cold enough to leave that shit behind. (Well, maybe some, but you’re definitely pulling tons of unwanted at that temp and pressures.)

Please take this with a grain of salt because I have never run a C02 extraction. I’ve come across some killer deals that made want to go rob a couple grand from a bank though… Just reading on the subject is all that I have done.

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So the CO2 terpene strip and the cold ethanol extraction are 2 separate processes. No injection of cold ethyl with CO2 happening here.

I figured since the weed is already in the columns might as well just push cold ethyl through after the terp strip.

I don’t think injection of cold ethanol would work in the sense you’re referring to. In order to successfully inject while simultaneously running CO2 you must heat the ethanol ect. Otherwise the -20 cold ethanol would affect the extraction column temp and probably end up making a bunch of dry ice then clogging the system in the process. Or at least that’s what I would think would occur.

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