thanks for the vote of confidence
I’m still looking at 1000lb a day as a target. Should be achievable with a CUP 1.2. Just. wouldn’t be how I’d spec it if asked today, but it should work until they’re ready to scale again.
I’ve proposed larger schemes, but have been budget constrained for so long that I’ve pretty much given up hope on the guys I’ve been working with. looking for a new team to play with at the moment.
@Cannachem looks to be aiming at 1000lb/hr. and hoping to scale beyond that soon.
I don’t believe they’re the only one on here with current plans on that scale. I suspect others are just playing closer to the chest…
ethanol recovery is energy intensive, but can be done on whatever scale you need. Huge stills have been with us for at least a couple of hundred years, and industrial scale falling film units can certainly be had.
without a centrifuge or press, you’re looking at loosing 15-20% of your solvent to your biomass, how you choose to deal with that would seem to be a pivotal design issue.
Rainier suggests adding water, AND sugar and throwing it in your still. They even claim to have a critter that can release the fermentable sugars from your spent biomass (I’m gonna have to chase that one down…).