High Quality Durable Filtration For Washing Ethanol Extraction

Item Model/Manufacturer:China
Description: Stainless Steel Alcohol Extraction Centrifuge
Price/MSRP: $8300
Current location of item:China
Estimated lead time: 7-15Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller
User support / Warranty:One year
I want to sell it as soon as possible. If you need it, please contact me. Thank you!
Whatsapp:+86 18039575547

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Hello Sara,

Any chance you can provide me with software for interacting with the s7-200 smart plc’s in your equipment?

Teaching them new tricks otherwise involves throwing your controllers in the trash.

I’d prefer to retain/retrain them.

you might also view: Centrifuge Operators: Don't let your dingle dangle from your shirt as it reflects directly on the practices shown here.


Do you have the stats? Basket size? Rpm?

Just wow