Hemp derived THC

It’s my understanding that diluting hemp derived THC (mct oil) to .3% makes it legal according to the farm bill. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the wrong tag

No, you are simply adulterating the product. You might have better luck diluting with hemp-derived terpenes for plausible deniability that your product was hot.

Of course, if the alphabet boys come after you for any reason, you’re probably going to have a bad time regardless.


So even hot disty deluded with mct oil is technically illegal?

The full spectrum stuff I’m seeing in CT has 60-80 mg of THC per ounce.

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Farm Bill makes it clear that the final product needs to be below .3% THC to be legal.

That was clearly their intent.

Now of course the DEA may have something else to say because the WIPHE stage makes the disty fall under the CSA according to their interpretation meaning that the final product was created from a CS.

I don’t think that will stick considering the farm bill addresses extracts and congress had to anticipate that the extract would undergo a period where it would be temporarily hot.

Their main concern was that the final product to the consumer needs to be below .3%.

The DEA cannot create any laws, they can merely interpret it and make your life a living hell through their interpretation.


Yep but .3% THC is about 90mg per ounce of tincture. I’m assuming the INTENT was to keep people from getting high, but if one consumes a once of “legal” full spec there gonna get high


almost certainly untrue for most people.

most users cannot get high on a 20:1 CBD:THC
(my 20yr old can, but it takes less than 1mg of THC to get him high).

CBD and THC interact with the same receptors, the excess CBD essentially blocks access of the THC.

Cannabidiol binding and negative allosteric modulation at the cannabinoid type 1 receptor in the presence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: An In Silico study
We propose a putative allosteric binding site that is located in the N-terminal region of receptor, partially overlapping the orthosteric binding site. Molecular dynamics simulations reveled a coordinated movement involving the outward rotation of helixes 1 and 2 and subsequent expansion of the orthosteric binding site upon cannabidiol binding. Finally, changes in the cytoplasmic region and high helix 8 mobility were related to impaired receptor internalization. Together, these results offer a possible explanation to how cannabidiol can directly modulate effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the cannabinoid receptor type 1

this has been explored here: Why cbd nulls thc effects (eufory/high)


Eh, I don’t think that applies as broadly as some believe. Our full spec gummies most definitely cause a psychoactive effect with me and I have a significant THC tolerance


They’re 25mg full spec. The oil usually has mid 80s CBD and 2-3% THC. If I eat one during the day I’m definitely rather affected. For some perspective, 30mg thc edible is not a very strong dose for me at my current tolerance level. I feel like it is possibly due to the other minor cannabinoids in the oil + the cbd and the bit of thc all together.

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so don’t think 30mg is strong, but get “high” off less than 1.5mg?!?

we are all wired differently, but I haven’t run into many with that sort of dynamic range. much below 40mg I don’t notice it. above 160mg I’m going down.

when doing my Organoleptics: In House QC? I found that doubling the “feels great” usually yielded “too high” and halving it usually equaled “barely felt it”.

not a clinical trial.
and not blinded.

(“this is likely to get you really fucking high. are you ok with that?”).
