Have u guys seen a rise in lab explosions?

Not if its an inverter generator like honda has. You want a sine wave generator


Those trs pumps are sketchy I’ve heard those things hissing butane that is leaking either out of some sort of blown check valve and/or worn cylinders/pistons. They leak after like 300 hours of use. The guy could’ve had a water heater in the garage with a constant open flame too. Probably no god damn ventilation because he can’t open that place up for fresh air considering he has close-by neighbors. Recipe for disaster.

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Wow an apartment!? He put everyone in that building at risk


I know two guys who had the same problem in an apt but weren’t so lucky as they were open blasting. I’m starting to think that the problem with extracting in apartments is the rug.


This is a good local story…

Squatting in a building downtown that still had power on and he burnt the place down.


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I’ve seen a lab that does petroleum ether extraction. Guys are soaking biomass In open barrels, using old industrial washing machine for biomass solvent revovery and then a simple pot still hooked to a v-pump (rotary vane) as the main solvent recovery unit.

They don’t even have anything to put fire out. However with 1m3 of petroleum ether used for extraction not many things could really help if something went south.

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i hope wherever they are i am miles away

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HAL Extraction makes a fully compliant and UL certified booth for your extraction safety. Email me at ryan@extractionbooth.com if your interested.


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Lab in San Leandro ca blows up. 2 injured two arrested.


Not specifically a lab per the article but it’s over near the packaging spots so could be a supplier too.

Yeah that’s not a great look. They probably were sitting on a few master cases.

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11 fire fighters injured. 230 responded… insane

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Full Article-- spoiler it was a lab

Well it looks like we’ve now seen the biggest and the worst lab explosion yet. I mean it’s always bad when someone gets hurt or loses their life, but this one will have major repercussions.


Where does it say it’s a lab? It’s a wholesale spot.


Anyone we know?

Supposedly it started at Smoke Tokes…again. They had a fire there maybe 3-4 years ago. But this time it spread. I literally just drove by the wholesale district cause I need glass jars in the morning and it looks like a bomb went off. There’s probably 40 wholesale shops within a few blocks that all carry master cases. It looks like it just went from shop to shop.


Still wasnt proven it was a lab. Ive been there before this for cheap quartz bangers. Its a supplier for smoke shops. They have tons of master cases.

I wouldnt trust a uk website. How would they know its a lab before any La news? I call bs

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Fuck thats scary

Thats california for ya…were everything has cancering causing materials and whole blocks just blow up

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: