Cana organa got busted down there and snitched know everyone. Even his partners up here got busted.
I’m sure it went down the line from there.
Cana organa got busted down there and snitched know everyone. Even his partners up here got busted.
I’m sure it went down the line from there.
Alot of people you’ll meet in this game are on drugs. And buy bottom barrel gear to support thier drug habbits. You’d think they could afford the right business model but they can barely afford to pay thier own staff in some of these labs.
Man check out the price inflation there. Apparently 1kg distillate is going for 40k these days
Where is there?
I noticed this when I started to do business in the Midwest and and the coast. This isn’t so prevalent on the east coast or Miami.
The article waxplug linked
i say conspiracy
Well California was expecting around 1.2 billion in revenue from cannabis taxes.
They got 120 million. Too many people exported it out of state on BM.
You know what they did ? They gave that entire 120 million to a new task force that is going after everyone.
No. I personally have never seen a lab explosion. And I attribute it to reasonable engineering and management practices.
I work at a hydro shop that has one of those discontinued best value open blasting tubes. Someone was asking questions about extracting and obviously had not done even a minimal amount of research beforehand. They ended up wanting to buy the thing and a vacuum chamber, pump and cans of tane. I flat out refused to sell it and had a long talk with the owner about how I wont sell open blasting tubes.
discontinued? like this, Closed Column Starter Kit | Extraction Kit | Shop BVV?
Lol yup! Why are open blasting tubes still sold?
Here’s another one outside of SD. In LA and recent
For the amount of money that was seized, I am guessing this was a big setup. Closed loop, not open blast(my assumption). For those of you who have heard the war stories: how do you experience an accident with a closed loop setup? The whole point is to never expose the gas to the air outside the system.
Fucking sad… nothing is more tragic than the loss of human life resulting from a misjudgment.
On another note, has anyone seen any lab equipment up on any criminal asset forfeiture auction websites? I bought some 1000W ballasts for super cheap from a police auction with my mom’s credit card when I was 15 years old and grew some wonderful indoor tomatoes
Some poor schmuck had all of their grow equipment stolen by Sergeant spaghetti-dick and his lumpy head Lieutenant… and then those thieves accepted cash and put it in the hands of a kiddo.
America is a great though, I’m not complaining. Much rather be here than hanging with Terry at Lanphan.
I’ve seen a jacketed vessel get blown out because the wrong handle was turned at the wrong time. The pressure built up in the jacket, ballooned the thinner wall inside the vessel, which then warped the opening and seal and the butane slurry started leaking out. It was amazing how much the steel warped.
That’s a closed column that’s not a traditional open blast tube.
Open blasting is great for small batches / test runs but other than that it creates a lot of waste.
I’ve bought equipment from police auctions in LA. Got a 10 lb loop with rack mount, recovery pump, knf vacuum pump, solvent tank and honeypot, for 2500 bucks. It still had fuckin oil in it too lol I wa so sketched out driving off with it.
That’s a ethanol lab, thought they only went after bho labs?
cool !!!