Goldleaf’s Water Clear Terpene Refinement Tek

I think I can translate. He’s talking about adiabatic cooling from the vacuum pump. It’s not very significant in this case

Edit: other people already said it.


it’s actually an HVAC concept…

Superheat and Subcooling Defined

It’s the cold traps that need to be removing heat below the targets boiling point…


So we found his original occupation?

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In my experience at lower temperatures <100°C the mantles always overshoot because they are so well insulated that the smallest pulse of heat would shoot it up 5-15°C then would take forever to fall back down to the set point. The reaction block loses more heat to the surroundings so the heat power and loss is more balanced. The hotplate also has much more advanced temp controlling than the mantles. It’s not the ideal solution. Having a jacketed boiling flask with a heater chiller is the most accurate, but it’s significantly more expensive.


Most mantles do not allow for calibration of the PID values. If they were adjustable, you could dial in the function so it doesn’t overshoot and lands right at temperature.

I have many a time built my own PID controller with SCR so I can bypass the temperature controller that came with whatever system (because it was trash).

Edit: Yeah I added the ‘&’ to PID unconsciously because I’ve been pretty actively working on flow diagrams all week. Shit happens. Thanks for the heads up - fixed.

Suppose that is better than misspelling certain words all the time and not knowing how to use the word “an” before a word that starts with a vowel. It’s like reading text a 5yo wrote.


Another win for the Ai mantles. I adjust those about 3 times a run :call_me_hand:


Our mantles have auto tune but after setting it up the ramp up to temp takes forever. Then once you get into a boil the dynamics change and it needs to be auto tuned again.


Heat blocks measure temperature from one location creating a ambient temperature differential to the supplied source. They are only used in ambient heat applications and do not transfer heat efficiently. They also do not apply heat with enough energy to sustain some reactions due to the block itself wildly varying in temperature through the material because the heater needs to over energize.

Terpene distillations will remove heat energy from a flask like low booking point solvents. Most terpene setups if not fully jacketed will have a cooler spot above the halfway line which forces terpenes to condense back down.

Actually it’s called thermal evaporative effect. The more energy being evaporated from a solution the more heat is removed.

Short paths opperate similar to closed loops except not as dramatic. That’s why weak mantles lose Thier temperature stability when evaporating rapidly.

What a load of BS.

Let me go tell my colleagues to stop their (highly temperature sensitive) parallel reaction syntheses immediately… Surely their heat blocks are COMPLETELY obsolete…


uh huh.

is it?

at least that’s closer than calling it sub-cooling


That picture looks a whole lot like sputtering to me!


…This is pretty much what happens any time someone tries to prove they know what they are talking about by talking about what they think they know about… (Dunning/Kruger).

Just slapping words together in hopes it sounds technical and complicated enough to confuse some people but its mostly just non-recognizable techno-babble that has very limited or absolutely no reference to what it is being referenced as.


Good luck!

Enjoy your heat block.

I would rather use a glass-col mantle with top and bottom. Prior to using a heat block. Labs use heat blocks for a ambient temp application. Most use blocks on a heater with tons of small holes drilled in it for small sample or medium sized, glass/plastic material holding sample to sit in. This method of use isn’t exactly direct 1:1 scale out to a boiling flask. There is a reason why cannabis distillers avoid heat blocks in labs we work in. They don’t really work.

Yeah. Metal doesn’t conduct heat.


We aren’t distilling cannabinoids we are distilling the terps. Temps never go above 90C.


That doesn’t matter.

Well now you are just being a parallelogram