Global Hemp Group?

has anyone had any dealings with Global Hemp Group?

Retracted/ wrong group similar name


thanks. read it anyway :wink:

I suspect Vinnie’s reputation is why I balked when they reached out to me. :thinking:

I really like most of what I’ve seen so far…
I’ve also learned these waters are full of sharks.

Edit: wish I had a paddle for this armored boat I’m sitting in…and I could figure out how to close the gapping hole in the bottom of it :rofl:


What reputation are you referring to? If you don’t want to bash someone in public you can dm :sunglasses:

You can see what @NewLevelProcess wrote if you’re terminally curious. I believe I must have read about global hemp solutions (here) at some point (but can’t find it)…Because that description is familiar.

I’d drop the link to their LinkedIn, but that would just drive folks in the wrong direction…

Edit: found it!!

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