follow the cannabinoids. not the cadabinoids. you get out what you put in.
lets take that to extremes, if you put 100kg of 25% THC biomass in there, you’ll get zero full spectrum CBD out…
if you put 100kg of 1% CBD in there, and get all of it, you’ll have 1kg of pure CBD
if you put 100kg of 10% CBD in there, and get 90% of it, you’ll get 9kg of pure CBD
depending on how you extract, the potency of your crude can vary from 50% cannabinoids to 80% cannabinoids.
so that 9kg of “pure” CBD might be in 18kg (9kg / 0.5) or 11.25kg (9kg / 0.8)
begin(ner) by wrapping your head around Mass balance