Full Spectrum CBD Extract per Pound of Biomass (Ethanol)

follow the cannabinoids. not the cadabinoids. you get out what you put in.

lets take that to extremes, if you put 100kg of 25% THC biomass in there, you’ll get zero full spectrum CBD out…

if you put 100kg of 1% CBD in there, and get all of it, you’ll have 1kg of pure CBD

if you put 100kg of 10% CBD in there, and get 90% of it, you’ll get 9kg of pure CBD

depending on how you extract, the potency of your crude can vary from 50% cannabinoids to 80% cannabinoids.

so that 9kg of “pure” CBD might be in 18kg (9kg / 0.5) or 11.25kg (9kg / 0.8)

begin(ner) by wrapping your head around Mass balance