For Sale turnkey ETS Mep30 SOLD

Item: ETS Mep 30

Location: Tacoma, WA

Price: 70,000 obo w/ one pump included

I have an ETS Mep 30 for sale. It has everything included from the original purchase. Along with an extra NEW mvp 150 (in the crate) and extra C02 tanks, pour spout bowl upgrade, a side mount crc column with filters and everything needed. The stock MTA chiller is included. Also the two julabo kiss heaters. I have the standard carbon tank that you can have and it also comes with a 50lb jacketed solvent tank.

Setup in the booth.

Julabo Kiss heaters.

Solvent tank and pump.

MTA chiller

Buyer pays freight and equipment sale is “as is”. I am not parting anything out except maybe the extra mvp, but I’d rather that go with the equipment to sweeten the deal. The setup new is closer to 150k, if you are currently working on buying one from ets, or even have a quote from them and haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Save yourself 70k+. Equipment will be cleaned and serviced to be like new upon purchase. I’ll replace gaskets, service quick connects, valves and unions that need replacement and anything else that is needing attention before the sale.


New bizzy on the way?


That’s what I was going to say! What happened to the Bizzy Beast? I thought that that was what you were running. But that might have been when he was in AZ.

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New lab, new tools




Once this sells, then I’ll purchase the new one.

And ya @Capttripppp I had that in Arizona.


Bumpity bump bump

Is this still available? Looking to add an MEP to our lab and ETS quoted us around 160K, super interested and we could get it off your hands fast.


Yes, sir. It is still available and have extra parts on top of the stock unit. Pump, tanks, crc, etc


My names Nick, could you maybe email me some pictures? My work email is

As I said before, very interested. We could even hop on a phone call to make discussions easier.

Is this still available?

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It is, yes

When did you purchase? Is it set up for butane/propane? Do you have an email with pics and description you could send to me?

  1. Great fuckin name 2) Bizzybee, why can I find no information on this system outside of their marketing? Ive reached out to like 80 extraction technicians and multiple LPs and either nobody is using them or nobody wants to talk about them.

We are interested if still available. please hit me back @ READY TO PURCHASE


Emailing you now


Bump, bumpbump

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