I like this one, it’s funny and a nice quick reference for general techniques…
I know you posted this over a year ago but do you still have that pdf? and could I get a copy?
For basic chemistry I want to second Khan Academy. I also teach at the nearby University and I always recommend them to my students.
hello i know this post are a long time ago but when i started my I+D about the cannabis alchemy i find this book i´ll hope help anybody with the https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QjzE2RZUQDpVguO6k_f6hEBx4fbt5xNM
Thanks @Eddy
have you wandered over to the data dump yet?
yes, but no totally ,it hat more info inside , i stay tuned of revise all, thanks so much :guiño:
Just finished Ochem1 this 5 wks summer sesh and can see how the some of the lab methods/concepts are relevant to the industry. However it is questions like these that are pure gold for me; to understand the “Whys” and not just the “hows”. It can be hard to bounce ideas off like minds in today’s solitary learning environment.
But also I know "When the student is ready… " Thank you all Party on Wayne