Final CBD percentage in crude

What would one consider the high end of the final CBD percentage in Cyro ethanol extracted crude after being decarbed?

all depends on biomass baby!

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If you started with a 20:1 you might hit 70% CBD.

If you start with a 1:1, you won’t hit 40%

A well made cryo-ethanol crude is in the 75% total cannabinoid range. which cannabinoids is dependent on the input (unless you get fancy and isomerize).


Are there any good resources to get a better understanding on cbd extraction levels

If you want to know how much you’re extracting, or not extracting, you’ll want In House analytics

There are certainly places to learn about the processes, but nobody can tell you what you’re going to extract without testing the biomass, and then testing your output.

If you haven’t read this Ethanol Extraction White Paper it might be a decent starting point

Hiring a consultant to bring you up to speed is often the most efficient route


is there a CO2 extraction white paper?

Perhaps, CO2 whitepaper can be found elsewhere. Can’t imagine Cyclopath & Co worked so hard on their ethanol whitepaper due to the promise they saw in CO2!