Don't go through West Texas

But I can carry a pistol on my hip cause “muh rights”.

It’s so strange to me how we cherry pick our “rights”.


The forefathers forgot one.


I don’t think they forgot, I think they figured who on earth would outlaw cannabis


Old Dalhart, went through there a many of times… Texline, and all those small towns


That’s Williamson County… Everybody knows not to get down in Williamson county… Them mofos want you to take shit to trial…

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When your perspective changes to understanding this is the norm and not an exception, your eyes really open up.


Oh I’m very certain this is norm. No question. I just still feel it’s strange…

But we live in a country of liberties, not freedom…


I just really hope they don’t decide to come down on d8 super hard. I’m really bothered by people getting sold hot product and being lied to when it could end up being a state jail felony

Werent most the founding documents written on hemp?

Everyone I’ve spoken with who has that mentality knows they are hypocrites and don’t care. They know and openly admit it’s stupid for them to go so hard on weed when we have drive thru alcohol stands, they know that there’s no religious basis in the bible to be against weed, but despite this they don’t care, because they need their paycheck. Everyone in Texas jerks off about freedom but they are full of shit, it’s just a way to excuse low standards of living, like how we have no public transportation and everyone has to have a car, it’s just “freedom”.

In a roundabout fashion, weed has shown me how evil humans are willing to be to others without so much as blinking an eye. Never forget they do this out of intentional malice, this is not ignorance. People who are anti-weed are just abusive evil and violent animals looking for an excuse.

Never forget, they don’t hate weed, they hate you, and they want to watch you suffer because it makes them feel good.


same here…this is why i got my weed card… you get pulled over with 2 carts in your car and its 2 felonies… even in a medical state where cannabis has been decimalized for amounts under 21g


You can just say its delta 8 lol


everything is hemp when asked! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


There’s a reason why Texas pays out bigger than legal states. The risk of getting caught. Greater the risk the greater the reward.

Damn how much does a lb go for in West Texas!!! Down here in Massachusetts it’s in the 1200$— 1800$ range.

Damn!!! Not even in Massachusetts would you see $1,626,000.00 for 300 lbs of Cannabis, straight soil or hydroponically grown you’d see 360,000 for 300 lbs. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



I should be able to smoke a doobie while open carrying (or concealed for that matter), if I can’t do that I’m not even free…

Any weed or gun laws are government overreach.



I’m with you. I would move to TX if it wasn’t for weed. I guess there’s Wyoming and the Dakotas where people leave you alone or Alaska where you can do what you want.


they don’t leave people alone in the Dakotas ime. Watford City police love to get up in people’s shit in particular

Wyoming, however, you can just stop in the middle of the highway and take a piss with no worries

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The day Texas actually doesn’t have a cap on thc % for medical cards. Is the day my family comes crawling for a $… They’re the types to push back till they can’t anymore then adjust to profit on that.


Pennsylvania is the same way.

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